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Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of Pending Dues - Issue of Final Reminder
UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations 2023 - Constitution of Students Grievance Redressal Committee at college level
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2025-2026 - Payment of Inspection fee - Inviting application through Online Notification
FEE STRUCTURE - 2024-2025 - Post Graduate (NP) I- Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of Pending Dues
FEE STRUCTURE - 2024-2025 - M.B.A. and M.C.A. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2024-2025 - Law Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
ALMANAC - Proposed Almanac fro B.Pharmacy ( I & II - Semesters) for the academic year 2024-2025
FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES - B.PHARMACY COURSE - Promotion norms - Extending the relaxation of detention rules in B.Pharmacy course for the academic year 2024-2025
Re-Admissions into UG Courses II/IV/VI Semesters (Non-Professional Courses) for the academic year 2024-2025
Category - B - ADMISSIONS - 2024-2025 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all M.Pharmacy / M.Tech. Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2024-2025 for verification and approval
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Wrestling (Men & Women) Team Selections - All India Inter University Tournaments for 2024-2025
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Hockey (Men ) Team Selections - South West Zone / All India Inter University Tournaments for 2024-2025
USB, K.U. - Kakatiya University Swimming (Men & Women) Team Selections - All India Inter University Tournaments for 2024-2025
USB, K.U. - Kakatiya University Boxing (Men & Women) Team Selections - All India Inter University Tournaments for 2024-2025
USB - Cricket (Men) Warangal Zone Inter Collegiate Tournaments for 2024-2025
NIRF India Ranking 2025-IAE's VIth National Level workshop for Higher Educational Institutions
Category - B - ADMISSION - 2024-2025 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all PG (NP) Courses under Management Quota for the academic year 2024-2025 for verification and approval
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Taekwonda Kyorugi (Men) Team Selections - All India Inter University Tournaments for 2024-2025
TIME FRAME - UG & PG (Professional & Non - Professional) Courses - One time permission to clear back-logs in relaxation of time frame for the academic year 2024-2025
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Affiliation Fee - Extension of payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - for the academic year 2024-2025 and dues if any previous years
FEE STRUCTURE - 2024-2025 - Under Graduate (NP) II & III Year - I Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2024-2025 - Under Graduate (NP) I Year - I Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Affiliation Fee - Extension of Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - for the Academic Year 2024-2025, and Dues if any previous years
Circular - All the Principals / Physical Directors of college (UG, PG & Professional) under the Jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed the Inter-Collegiate Tournaments of Kakatiya University for the year 2024-2025 will be conducted on Inter Collegiate and Direct Tournament basis
University Sports Board, K.U. - Physical Directors Meeting - 2024 - Deputation of Physical Directors.
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Affiliation Fee - Extension of Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - for the academic year- , and Dues if any previous years
Affiliation - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online for the academic year 2024-2024 and Dues if any previous years - Notification Issued
UNDER-GRADUATE - PROFESSIONAL COURSES - Transfer of Admissions - Guidelines for scrupulous implementation
UG - Admissions - DCCP - Leteral Entry Admission into II Year B.Com. (General) / Computer application for the academic year 2024-2025
Establishment - Clean & Green Programme as extracurricular activity with the students in the Colleges/Departments, KU for one hour on every Saturday
MEETINGS - Meeting of the Principals of University and Affiliated (UG - NP) colleges scheduled to be held on 22/06/2024 at 10.30 a.m. in the Senate Hall of Administrative Building on the University Campus, Kakatiya University
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2024-2025 - Payment of Inspection fee - Inviting applications through Online Notification - Extension of last date
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Submission of Payment Vouchers and also payment of pending dues
Prohibition of Ragging in the Educational Institution - Plan of Action for the year 2024-2025
ADMISSIONS – Admission of Students on transfer to UG II & III year (3rd&5th Semesters) Courses for the academic year 2024-2025
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2024-2025 - Payment of Inspection fee - Inviting applications through online Notification
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of Pending Dues - Issue of Reminder
FEE STRUCTURE - 2023-2024- Post Graduate (NP) I-Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University
Re-Admissions into UG Courses II/IV/VI Semesters (Non-Professional Courses) for the academic year 2023-2024 – Last date for application 20-02-2024
USB - Selections for Cross Country (Men & Women) All India Inter University Tournaments for 2023-2024
Category -B ADMISSIONS- 2023-2024 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all B.Ed./M.Ed./B.PEd. Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2023-2024 for verification and approval
USB - Athletics (Men & Women) Inter Collegiate Tournaments for 2023-2024
Preponement of Selections of Kakatiya University Handball (Women) Teams for South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2023-2024
Selections for Kakatiya University (Men & Women) Teams for South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2023-2024
Selections for Kakatiya University (Men & Women) Teams for South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2023-2024
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online for the academic year 2023-2024, and dues if any previous years
Category-B - ADMISSIONS - 2023-2024 - Guidelines to submit the list of admission made into I-Year of all PG Courses under Management Quota for the academic year 2023-2024 for verification and approval
USB - Selections for Kakatiya University (Men & Women) teams for South Zone inter university tournaments for the year 2023-24
FEE STRUCTURE - 2023-2024 - Under - Graduate (NP) II & III Year I-Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2023-2024 - Under - Graduate (NP) I Year I-Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
Selections for Wrestling and Weightlifting (Men and Women) team for West Zone & South Zone inter university tournaments for 2023-24
Selections for Kabadi(Womens) Team for South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2023-24
Academic Branch, KU - Submission of College particulars for confirmation in e-PASS government of Telangana for sanction of Scholarships for the year 2023-2024
Category-BADMISSIONS-2023-2024—Guidelinestosubmitthelistof admissions made into I-Year of all Pharm. D. Course under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2023-2024 for verification and approval
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2023-2024 — Guidelines to submit the list of admissions into I-Year of all M. Pharmacy. / M. Tech. Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2023- 2024 for verification and approval
Selections for Kabaddi (Men)& Basketball (Men) team for South Zone inter university tournaments for 2023-24
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2023-2024 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all B.Pharm./B.Tech. Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2023-2024 for verification and approval
Time Frame - Improvement – UG/ PG (Professional & Non- Professional) Courses- Permission to passed out candidates to appear certain papers in any one Semester / Year to improve performance during 2023-2024
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - for the academic year 2023-2024, and dues if any previous years
KU Taekwondo(Men) Team Selections - South West Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2023-24
UNDER-GRADUATE COURSES —TELANGANA CURRICULUM PROJECT —Approval of curriculum for B.Com (Finance) and B.A. (HEP) Courses as designed by the TSCHE in tune of MOU with British Council & Bangor and Aberystwyth Universities for implementation from the academic year 2023-2024
USB, KU - Updating of Physical Directors Expertise in Games details
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Declaration of short term vacation from 26-08-2023 to 03-09-2023
University Sports Board, K.U. - Fixation of Upper age limit upto 25 years from this academic year 2023-24 onwards for participation in National University Games
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Conduct of Anti Ragging Day on 12th August 2023
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Conduct of Anti Ragging Day on 12th August 2023
Admissions of Students on transfer at UG II & III year (3rd & 5th Semesters ) courses for the academic year 2023-2024
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2023-2024 - Payment of Inspection fee - Inviting applications through Online Notification- Extension of last date
UG & PG Courses -Students Attendance - Fixation of fee Rs. 3000/-for condonation of 10% attendance on Medical Grounds issued from the academic year 2022-2023 and onwards - Certain Guidelines issued.
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2023-2024 - Payment of Inspection fee- Inviting applications through online Notification
TIME FRAME – UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses – One time permission to clear back-logs in relaxation of time frame for the academic year 2022-2023 & 2023-2024 only
FEE STRUCTURE - 2022-2023-M.B.A. and M.C.A. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of Pending Dues - Issue of Reminder
SCDD - Edn - Opening of epass portal for registration of Colleges & Students for Post Matric Schlorships for the academic year 2022-2023
Re-Admissions into UG Courses II/IV/VI Semesters (Non-Professional Courses) for the academic year 2022-2023 - Last date for applications 28-02-2023
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2022-2023 — Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all B.Ed./M.Ed./ B.PEd. Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2022-2023 for verification and approval
FEE STRUCTURE - 2022-2023-Post Graduate (NP) I-Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of dues
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Installations of Biometric Machines in all the Educational Institutions by the TSTS
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Instructions for installations of Biometric Machines in all the Educational Institutions by the TSTS
Kakatiya University - Installations of Biometric Machines in all the Educational Institutions by the TSTS - Request for restoration of machines in all the Colleges covered under the KU Jurisdiction
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Instructions for appointment of teaching staff as per the AICTE/PCI/NCTE Norms and for ratifications
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Instructions for not to collect any extra examinations fee from students in Degree & PG College of KU
Prohibition of Ragging in the Educational Institution - Plan of Action for the year 2022-2023
Pharm D Six (6) Course - Conduct of 6th year Intership program for the students and evaluation of their Internship for award of the degree
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2022-2023 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all B.Pharm. / M.Pharm. & Pharm D Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2022-2023 for verification and approval
ELECTORL ROLLS - Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t. 01-01-2023 as the qualifying date - Facilitate the enrollment of prospective voters from the campuses of Educational Institutions - Nomination of Staff and students for enrollment and collection of Form 6
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2022-2023 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all B.Pharm. / M.Pharm. & B.Tech. / M.Tech.Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2022-2023 for verification and approval
Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes Simultaneously
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2022-2023 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all MBA & MCA Courses under Management Quota & Minority Quota for the academic year 2022-2023 for verification and approval
Category-B - ADMISSIONS - 2022-2023 - Guidelines to submit the list of admisions made into I-Year of all PG Courses under Management Quota for the academic year 2022-2023 for verification and approval
Academic Branch, KU - Submission of College particular for confirmation in e-PASS government of Telangana for sanction of Scholarships for the year 2022-2023
Kakatiya University - Establishment & Students - Bio-metric Attendance to the staff (teaching & non-teaching) and students in all the colleges and offices - Instructions for its mandatory implementation from 01/12/2022
All the Principals/Physical Directors of college (UG, PG & Professional) under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed regarding the following Direct Team Selection
EXAMINATIONS -Restoring the usual scheme of Question Paper pattern and invoking the Promotion Norms to all the UG/PG (Professional / Non- Professional) Courses for the academic year 2022-2023
All the Principals / Physical Directors of college (UG, PG & Professional) under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed that the South Zone Table Tennis Women tournament for the year 2022-2023 is scheduled on 11th to 13 November, 2022 at Jala University, Bengaluru
FEE STRUCTURE - 2022-2023-Post Graduate (NP) I-Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University
Regarding postponement of Direct Team Selections 2022-2023
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online for the academic year 2022-2023 and dues if any previous years
FEE STRUCTURE 2022-2023-Under Graduate (NP) II & III Year - I Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2022-2023 Under Graduate (NP) I Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Academic Audit - Mandatory implementation of Biometric Attendance in all the Educational Institutions from 01-10-2022
All the Principals / Physical Directors of colleges (UG, PG & Professional) under the Jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed that the Inter-Collegiate Tournament's Fixtures (Draws) for the year 2022-2023 will be drawn on 21 October, 2022 at 10.30 at University College of Physical Education, Kakatiya University, Hanumakonda instead of KITS, Warangal
EXAMINATIONS - Restoring the usual scheme of Question Paper pattern and invoking the Promotion Norms to all the UG/PG (Professional/Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2022-2023
UG Courses - READMISSION - One time chance to the candidates who finished all the course except final semester of year of the course within their maximum time frame of the course by 2021-2022 to get readmission into UG (NP) Fiinal Semester / Year for the academic year 2022-2023 in relaxation of time frame
All the Principals / Physical Directors of college (UG, PG & Professional) under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed that the Inter-Collegiate Tournaments of Kakatiya University for the Year - 2022-2023
University Sports Board, K.U. - Physical Directors Meeting - 2022 - Deputation of Physical Directors
UG - Admissions - DCCP - Lateral entry Admission into II Year B.Com. (General) / (Computer Applications) for the academic year 2022-2023
University Sports Board, KU - Physical Directors Meeting-2022 - Deputation of Physical Directors
Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2022-2023
ADMISSIONS - Admission on transfer of students into II & III year (3rd & 5th semesters) of Undergraduate Courses during the academic year 2022-2023
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - for the academic year 2022-2023 and dues if any previous years
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HARITHA HARAM PROGRAM -2022 - Certain instructions to take up plantation programs in the premises of the colleges and submit report
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2022-2023 - Inviting applications through Online
PG COURSES - SYLLABUS - Revised scheme & syllabus of M.Sc. Chemistry (2-years Course ) II Semester, under CBCS pattern for the academic year 2021-2022
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Initiation of Biometric Attendance in the Educational Institutions
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Cricket (Men) Team Selection - South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
NEW COURSE - Approval of Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (1 year) Course for implementation from 2020-2021
All Principals of All the University/Affiliated (Govt./Aided/Unaided Private) Colleges offering UG Courses with a request to register for B.Sc. Data Science course
Reminder - Payment of Pending Dues-2022
FEE STRUCTURE - 2021-2022 - PG(NP) Courses - Payment of fees by the Students studying at University Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2021-2022-PG (NP) I-Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying at University Affiliated Colleges to the University
ACADEMIC — AICTE — Swanath Scholarship Scheme for Orphans, Wards of parents died due to Covid-19
5thedition of Pariksha Pe Chartcha to be held on ,APril, 2022 at 11.00 A.M. - Virtual interaction of Hon'ble Prime Minister with students, teachers and parents from India and abroad
Extension of relaxations in promotion norms of all courses UG & P.G. (Professional and Non- Professional) courses for the academic year 2020-2021 to 2021-2022
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Payment of Pending Dues - Issue of Notice
Kakatiya University - Sale of University Diaries for the New Year 2022
Inter-Collegiate Cross Country Men & Women Tournament is scheduled on 23-02-2022 at 06.00 am at University Grounds, Kakatiya University, Warangal for the year 2021-2022
Re-Admissions into UG (NP) Courses for II, IV & VI Semesters for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Sale of University Calendars for the New year 2022
ANNUAL REPORT - 2020-2021 - Collection of Data - AFFILIATED COLLEGES
NOTICE - PAY THE DUES - Pending with the Office of the Dean, Academic Audit on or before 04/02/2022
CIRCULAR - All the Principals / Physical Directors of college (UG, PG & Professional) under the Jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed that the Inter-Collegiate Cross Country Men & Women Tournament is scheduled on 19-01-2022 at 06.00 am at University Grounds, Kakatiya University, Warangal for the year 2021-2022
FEE STRUCTURE - 2021-2022 Under - Graduate (NP) I year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
South Zone Inter University Kho-Kho Championship for Women 2021-2022 - Postponement
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Archery (Men & Women) Team Selections - South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
South Zone Inter University Kho-Kho Championship for Women 2021-2022
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Football (Men) Team Selections - South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Men & Women Team Selections - All India / South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Hockey (Men) Team Selections - South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Men & Women Team Selections - All India / South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
CIRCULAR - All the Principals/Physical Directors of college under the Jurisdiction of Kakatiya University are hereby informed that the Inter-Collegiate Athletics Men & Women Tournaments from 11 to 12 Deceomber, 2021 at SR & BGNR College, Khammam
USB - KU - Kakatiya University Women Team Selections - South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
USB, KU - Kakatiya University Men & Women Team Selections - All India / South Zone Inter University Tournaments for 2021-2022
USB, KU - Volleyball (Men & Women), Boxing (Men & Women) All India / South Zone Inter University Selections for 2021-2022
University Sports Board, K.U. - Physical Directors Meeting - 2021 - Deputation of Physical Directors
University Sports Board, KU - Send the details of Physical Directors working at your college
Re-Admissions into UG (NP) (I, III & V Semester) Course and Transfer of Admissions into UG (NP) Courses (III & V Semester) for the Academic Year 2021-2022
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - For the academic year 2021-2022 and dues if any previous years
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online - For the Academic Year 2021-2022 and DUES if any previous years
ACADEMIC BRANCH, KU - Submission of College particulars for confirmation in e-PASS Government of Telangana for sanction of scholarships for the year 2021-2022
Dr Balagopal Endowment Lecture - Please Join
Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses and Transfer of Admissions into UG (Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2021-2022
All the Principals of the University Constituent & Affiliated Colleges and the Heads of the Departments are requested to register for the Curtain Raiser program on INDO-UK HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREERS SUMMIT 2021-22
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, KU - SC/ST/BC/EBC/Minority/Physicall challenged/Disabled studying Post-Graduate course, namely MA/MSc and Ph.D during the academic year 2021-2022 are hereby informed to apply for the schloarships (Fresh/Renewal) - Last Date : 24-10-2021
University Sports Board, K.U. - Eligibility Rules for participation of National University Games for the year 2020-2021 onwards
Eligibility Rules for participation in National University Games for the year 2020 - 2021
SYLLABUS - Introduction of the new Syllabus of B.Ed. (Pedagogy of Oriential Languages Arabic. Sanskrit and Marathi) course with effect from the academic year 2020-2021 onwards
SYLLABUS - Under-Graduate (Non-Professional) courses - Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) approval of 3rd Year (V & VI Semesters) Syllabus with effect from the academic year 2021-2022 onwards
DCCP - Lateral entry Admission into B.com. General Computers II Year for the Academic year 2021-2022
SYLLABUS - Revision of the Syllabus of III & IV Semesters of M.C.A. (2 Years) Course with effect from the academic year 2020-2021 onwards
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020 - 2021 - B.H.M. & C.T. Courses - Payment of fees by the students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - M.C.A. Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020 - 2021 - M.B.A. Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in Affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - Law Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University - Regarding
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 -B.Ed.Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University - Regarding
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - Law Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University - Regarding.
Academic Audit - Charging of fees from the students by Private Un-aided Professional Colleges during the Lockdown period - Instructions - Issued - Regarding
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 Post Graduate (NP) 1 Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University - Regarding
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 Under-Graduate (NP) 1 Year 1 Semester Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University - Regarding
Introduction of New Courses Structure & Syllabus of B. Vocational (Accounting and Taxation: Financial Accounting and Tax Procedures; Entreprencurship Development; Retail Marketing Courses; with effect from the academic year 2020-2021 onwards - Regarding.
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY — Under-Graduate (Non-Professional) Courses - Commencement of Classes for Even-Semesters (II, IV & VI-Semesters) of all Under-Graduate (Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2020-21
75 years of India's Independence as "Bharat ka Amrut Mahostav" which would commence from 75 weeks before 15th August 2022 and continue up to 15th August 2023
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021- Law Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
Category - B ADMISSIONS - 2020-2021 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year of all PG & Professional Courses under Management quota "& Minority quota for the academic year 2020-2021 for verification and approval
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - B.Pharmacy Courses - Payment of fees by the students Studying and Affiliated Colleges to the University
SYLLABUS - Introduction of the Course Structure & Syllabus of I & VI Semesters of M.Tech. Planning (3 years Part-time SFC) Course with effect from the academic year 2019-2020 onwards
SYLLABUS - Introduction of the Course Structure & Syllabus of I to VI Semesters of B.Sc. Dairy Science (Vocational) Course with effect from the academic year 2020-2021 onwards
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020 - 2021 - Under Graduate (NP) II & III Year - I Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
SYLLABUS - Revision of the Structure & Syllabus of I & II Semesters of M.C.A. ( 2 Years) Course with effect from the academic year 2020 - 2021 onwards
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - M.P.Ed. & B.P.Ed. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - M.Ed. & B.Ed. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021 - M.B.A. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020 -2021 - PG (NP) Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying at University Affiliated Colleges to the University
ACADEMIC BRANCH, KU - Submission of College particulars for Confirmation in e-PASS Government of Telangana for sanction of schloarships for the year 2020-2021
ACADEMIC AUDIT - Charging of fees from Private Un-aided Professional Colleges during the Lockdown period - Instructions
FEE STRUCTURE - 2020-2021- PHARM D Course - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
UGC - Advisory Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar for the Universities in view of COVID-19 Pandemic situation and subsequent lockdown during 2019-2020 - Rules for promotion of students pursuing various UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professiona) programmes of K.U. as one-time execeiption for the academic year 2019-2020
Pattern of Question Paper during COVID 19 period of BHM & CT III year II semester
Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses and Transfer of Admissions into UG (Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2020-21
UGC-Advisory Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar for the Universities in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic situation and subsequent lockdown - Recommendations of the Committee - Rules for promotion to the next higher - semester/year of all UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses during the pandemic period of COVID-19 to the students of 2019-20
ACADEMIC AUDIT - Payment of Full Salary to the Employees/Teaching Staff working in Private Un-aided Professional Colleges during the Lockdown period
NOTICE - Payment of various fee payable by the students of Affiliated Colleges through the colleges concerned - Dues upto the academic year 2019-2020 - Notice for clearance
Chancellor Connect Program
Bio Metric Attendence is in Hold until further Instruction
Career and Counselling Cell - Digital Employment Exchange of Telangana (DEET) - Update students status
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-2020 - M.Pharmacy/B.Pharmacy Courses - Payable by the Affilated Colleges to the University
TSCHE - Stat. Cell - Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi - Conducting Essay writing competition in Telugu
DEPARTMENTAL CONFERENCE - Departmental Conference to discuss certain issues pertaining B.Com. and B.B.A Courses will be held on 10th January 2020 at 2.00 p.m.
B.Pharmacy Course - Relaxation in detention rules in B.Pharmacy Course for the students who have appeared for examination in the academic year 2018-19
Maintenance of Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System in the Colleges with effect from the academic year 2019-2020 - Certain information sought and meeting of the Principals on 30-12-2019 at 2.00 p.m.
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-2020-PG (NP) Courses - Payment of fees by the students studying at Affiliated Colleges to the University
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Establishment - Formulation of Internal Committee for the Students with Disabilities in the Colleges
To establish a mechanism for online registration as well as disposal of grievances of students/faculty/stakeholders etc.
TSCHE-University Matters Section-State NSS Cell - Appointment of State NSS Officer- Application called for.
FEE STRUCTURE-2019-2020-Courses-Payment of fees by the Students Studying at University Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B. Ed. and M.Ed. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B. Ed. and M.Ed. Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - M.B.A Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - M.B.A Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B.Tech Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B.Tech Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B.Pharmacy Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - B.Pharmacy Courses - Payment of fees by the Students Studying in Affiliated Colleges to the University
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2019-2020 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year B.Tech., B.Pharmacy, Pharm.D., M.Tech., M.Pharmacy, Pharm.D(PB), MBA, MCA, B.Ed., B.P.Ed., M.A. M.Com. & M.Sc. Courses under Management quota & Minority quota for the academic year 2019-2020 for verification and approval
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) III Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) II Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) I Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) III Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the Universit
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) II Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the University
FEE STRUCTURE - 2019-20 - Under - Graduate (NP) I Year I Semester courses - Payment of fees by the students in affiliated colleges to the University
Revision of Fee Structure of UG (Professional) courses and all PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses in University Colleges and its constituent Colleges with effect from the academic year 2019-20
KU - Constitution of internal committee for Disablity abled persons in all the Colleges
RAGGING - Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging - Further instructions
ACADEMIC BRANCH, KU - Submission of College particulars for confirmation in e-pass of Welfare Department, Government of Telangana for sanction of scholarships for the year 2019-2020
Departmental Conference to discuss new syllabus and Question-Paper pattern of English subject under UG courses to be held on 20th Septermber, 2019
Implementation of Aadhaar Based Biometric Attendance System
Departmental Conference on B.Sc. I semester (Differential and Integral Calculus) Mathematics to be held on 31st August, 2019 at 10.00 a.m. in the Department Mathematics, KU Campus
KU - Transfer of Total Fee collected from the Students for the academic year 2018-19 towards making payment to the Contractual/Part-Time Teachers of the University
MOOC Programme - Spoken Tutorial Knowledge provided by IIT Bombay through Distance Learning - Awareness Programm on 30-07-2019
KU -Transfer of Total Fee collected from the Students for the academic year 2018-19 towards making payment to the Contractual/Part-Time Teachers of the University
All the students who have applied for admissions for Under-graduation programs through Degree Online Services Telangana (DOST) are hereby informed that
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under-Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2019-2020
Telangana State Biodiversity Board - "International Day for Bilological Diversity 2019" to be held on 22.05.2019
To All the Principals of University, Constituent & Affiliated Colleges offering B.A. (Modern Language in Telugu) Course Kakatiya University
Self Finance - Acceptance of Committee Report on re-structuring of budget provissions for Self Finance Courses of the University Departments and University Constituent Colleges
DCCP – Lateral entry into B.Com. II year of Common Core Syllabus – Exemption of certain papers in B.Com. I year
Departmental Conference of Economics on 30th January, 2019 at 10.30 a.m.
Science Academies Summer Research Fellowship Programme - 2019
AFFILIATED COLLEGES - Quality Mandate in Higher Education Institutions by 2020 - NAAC accreditation for the affiliated institution by 2022 - Meeting with the Managements on 09/11/2018.
Innovation in Mobile Application and Development Ecosystem (I-Made)
TIME-FRAME – UG Professional and PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses – Request of ex-candidates to clear their back-logs in relaxation of time frame – Permission accorded – Regarding.
ITE&C Dept.- Alert from Intelligence Bureau on hackers stealing the data of certain websites of Telangana Government - Instructions -Issued - Reg.
University Grants Commission
ITE&C Dept - Leakage fo Aadhaar Data on certain websites of Government of Telalangan - Compliance to Guidelines for Tealangana Governenmet Websites (GTGW) - Restricting the non-conmpliant websites from public access - Most Urgent
Inter-Collegiate Tournaments of Kakatiya University for the year 2018-19
University Grants Commission
UGC - Human Resource Development Centre, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar is conducting a 'One-Week' short-term course on 'Gender Sensitization' during 21st to 27th August, 2018
RAGGING - Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging - Further instructions -
Particulars of Affiliated College for Confirmation in e-Pass
Internal Assessment Exams of II & III Year (I semester) scheduled for 3rd and 4th of August, 2018 are rescheduled to 17th and 18th August, 2018
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2018-2019 - Extension of last date upto 18th July, 2018
Refresher Course on Cooperative Policy and Development for faculty of Indian Universities/Colleges from 27 August -1 September, 2018 (one week) at NCCE, New Delhi
Submission of copy of application that is submitted for renewal of affiliation - Request -
Twenty First Convocation of Kakatiya University will be held on 11th July, 2018
Departmental Conference of Physics (UG & PG) on 29th June, 2018
Observation of Anti-Terrorism Day on 21-05-2018 - Instructions for Pledge
Furnishing of particulars of Scholarship/s received from government towards mess charges and transferred to the Director, University Hostels, KU during the year 2017-2018
RUSA Component Research Innovation and Quality Improvement
Help Line Centres of DOST - 2018 (2018-19)
Academic Audit - Information regarding Teaching and Non-Teaching staff working in the Affiliated Colleges - 2018-19
All MCA VI Semester Students Project Records Submit in University Before 1st May
All M.Sc IV Semester Students Project Records Submit in University Before 1st May
UGC - Details of scientific/research equipment - Information Called
Procurement and installation of Aadhaar enbled Biometric Devices to record daily attendance of students and faculty
Transfer of students from one Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture/MBA/MCA Professional institution to another Professional institution - for the Academic Year 2017-18
Confederation of Indian Universities
Meeting of the Principals of University Constituent & Affiliated Colleges offering UG/PG (NP) courses to be held on 18th of April, 2018
To establish a mechanism for online registration as well as disposal of grievances of students/faculty/stakeholders etc.,
Appointment of Teaching Staff in the Private Affiliated Colleges - Renewal of appointments in every Academic Year - Instructions - Issued
Faculty of Education - B.Ed. (One Year) Programme - Representation of Students - Recommendations from the Dean, Faculty of Education for Conduct of Examinations - Grant of One Time Permission
UG Programs - End of Year-Wise-Scheme - Re-admissions into III Year - Consideration of Representation from Principals of varied UG colleges - Grant of Permission to Students to Write Examinations