Home » Other Administrators
Administrative Position Name of the Teacher / Administrator
REGISTRAR Prof. V. Ramchandram
Addl. Controllers of Exams Dr.G. Soujanya BSL (P.G. Non-Professional Courses)
Mr.Md. Asim Iqbal (P.G. Professional Courses)
Prof. Mustafa (Confidential)
Dr.M.Thirumala Devi (UG (B.A. & B.Com. Reg) & UG (B.Sc. Reg))
Dr A Narender (SDLCE )
Mr.O.Saraiah (Documents)
National Service Scheme (N.S.S) Prof. E.Narayana
Director SDLCE Prof.V.Ramchandram
Cordinator, IQAC Dr.S.Narsimha Chary
I/c Development Officer, KU Prof. N.Vasudeva Reddy
College Development Council Prof.V.Ramchandram
Gender Studies Courses Coordinator The Head, Department of Telugu, Incharge
Director, Self-Finance Courses Prof. T.Srinivasa Rao
Director Career and Counselling Cell The Principal, Univ. College of Commerce & Buss. Mgt., KU
Member-in-charge University Library Prof. C.J. Sreelatha
Director, Univ. Hostels Dr.L.P.Raj Kumar
Director, SC/ST Cell Dr.T.Rajamani
Director, Centre for English Language Training Head, Dept of English I/c Director
Incharge, Central Instrumentation Centre, Prof. C.J.Srilatha
Director, Women's Studies Centre Dr. B. Deepa Jyothi
Incharge, Sericulture Unit The Head, Department of Zoology, KU
Legal Advisor, KU Sri. A.Jayashankar
Standing Counsel at the Telangana High Court, Hyd. Sri. Adi Venkateswar Rao
Director, Dr. Ambedkar Studies Centre Dr.K.Sadashiv
Liaison Officer for KU in New Delhi. Mr.Chandar Bhan
Coordinator for Remedial Coaching for SC/ST students to prepare for NET. Dr.J.Madhukar
Dean Academic Audit Prof. G.Shamitha
In-charge, Telephones Sri.K.Narsaiah

Incharge, Avenue PlantationDr. VenktataiahPublic Relations OfficerDr.V.Prudvi RajIncharge Coordinator, Yoga CentreProf .S.JyothiDirector for Backward Class (BC) CellDr.Akuthota Srinivasulu

Nodal OfficerProf. S.Narasimha CharyI/c Director for Computer CentreDr.B.ManjulaDirector for Univ. Website and for Campus NetworkingDr.D.Ramesh


Joint Director, Padmakshi Women’s Hostel

Dr.K.Blessi Priyanka

Mrs. R.Manjula

Dr.B.Sucharitha Paul


Joint Director, Science Courses, SDLCE.Dr.T.Savitha JyosthnaLiaison Officer for Right to Information Act CellDr.Padmaja RaniJoint Director for Boys’ Hostel of the Univ. College of Engineering., KothagudemDr.K.Punnamchander

Joint Director, Pothana Men’s Hostel

Research Scholars’ Hostel

Joint Director, New Boys PG Hostel

Jagjivan Ram Hostel

Vidyaranya Hostel




Dr.Ch.Raj Kumar

Dr.M.Sangeeth Kumar

Joint Director, Dr. BR Ambedkar Boys’ Hostel
Joint Director, Ganapathideva HostelDr.Ch.Srinu

Joint Director, Law HostelDr.M.SrinivasDirector for Centre for Persons with DisabilitiesMr.A.RajuSecretary, KU Sports Board & Incharge, Director of Physical Education, KU.Prof.Y.VenkaiahCoordinator for Coaching Scheme for entry into services for SC/ST students in the UniversityDr.L.P.Raj KumarMember-in-Charge, Univ. Health CentreDr.J.KrishnaveniJoint Director for Boys’ Hostel of KU College of
Engineering & Technology, Kakatiya University Campus,Mr.R.D.PrasadJoint Director for Common MessDr.G.RajenderJoint Director for Girls’ Hostel of the University College of Engineering, KothagudemDr.T.ArchanaDirector, Research & Development Centre, KU
Placement Officer, MBA, MCA, MHRM Courses
Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesProf.Y.Narsimha ReddyDean, Faculty of Social SciencesProf.Vijay Babu. KIncharge, University VehiclesMr. S.Krishna MurthyDirector, University-Industry Linkage and Consultancy Cell, KUProf.T.SreenivasuluAnti Plagiarism Cell DirectorDr.L.P.Raj Kumar


Director, Gandhian Studies Registrar, KU
Residential Consulting Engineer for KU Sri.Bhavni Prasad
Coordinator-cum-Liasion Officer, Legal & RTI Cell Dr.Padmaja Rani
SC/ST Cell  
Examinations Sri.O.Saraiah
Accounts Sri. T.Rajaiah
Academic Branch Dr.K.Shankar
Academic Audit Sri Mohd. Habeebuddin
Administration (Teaching / Gazetted Officers) Sri P.Ashok Babu
Administration (Non-Teaching ) Sri Mohd. Habeebuddin
Audit (Pre-Audit) Sri S. Kistaiah
Audit (Accounts) Smt. K. Srilatha
Building Division Dr.K.Shankar
Publication Cell Sri S. Kistatiah
Examination (PG / Professional & Non-Professional) Sri Ch. Pranay Kumar
Examination (Under-Graduation) Sri L.Ramu
Examination ( Accounts & Audit) R.Srilatha Devi
Guest House Sri Ch. Pranay Kumar
UGC Unit Sri R.Venkateshwarlu
University College, KU Campus Sri P.Sreedhar
University Arts & Science College Dr. Narsimha Rao.P
SDLCE Smt G.Sarala Devi
CDC Sri R.Venkateshwarlu
University Library Sri.K.Narsaiah
University College, KU Campus Dr.S.Sujatha
University Arts & Science College, Subedari Sri T.Javer


KU College of Engineering & Technology Sri P.Isaac Prabhakar
KU College of Pharmacitical Sciences Smt. Subhashini Vijitha
University PG College, Khammam Sri K.Venkat Narsaiah