Total 30 Years Teaching Experience ( 17 years as regular and 13 years as Part time) Part time Lecturer from 1992-93 to February 10, 2003, Lecturer on Regular Scale from February 11, 2003 to June 20, 2005, Appointed as Asst. Professor on June 21, 2005.
1. Mr. V. Venkat Reddy-"Perception and Performance of Schhol Educstion- A Comparative Study of Government and Private Schools:A Sociological Study in Hyderabad Urban District"-26-05-2012
2. Mr. K. Rameswari-"Socio-Economic Conditions of Beedi Workers in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh"-03-08-2013
3. Mr. Polam Saidulu-"Migration of Labour from Rural to Urban Areas in Mahabubnagar District-A Study-12-01-2016
4.Mrs. Srilatha, Ch-Impact of Rural Development Programmes on Rural Structure: A Study in Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh"-22-02-2016
5. Mr.G. Mohan-"The Impact of Mass Media on Rural Society with Special Reference to 'All India Radio' Warangal"-10-04-2017
6. Mr. Saturi Raghu-"Social Impact of Environmental Degradation-A Sociological Study in Telangana State"-22-0702021
1. Mr. M.Phil.-"Polepaka Babu-Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups-A Study"-26-04-2017
Prof. Kunta Ailaiah
I/c Principal
Department of Sociology & Social Work
Kakatiya University, Warangal
Mobile: 9441454291