Prof. T. Srinivasulu
The university has several external funding research projects, since its establishment. It has completed many and several on-going projects. Therefore, the university has developed expertise/know-how useful to the industry/society. Hence, the university has established university-industry linkage centre to address the problems facing by the industries.
The Economic growth of a country primarily depends on the synchronized efforts of both the Industry and the University because the Industry drives the Economic Development of nation and the University fuels it. In order to facilitate such synchronized efforts of Industry and the University, the KU-UILC strives to systematize and catalyze the various joint activities between the Industry and the University.
In this context, University –Industry Linkage Centre will play an important role to provide interaction platform to faculty and industry for getting industrial consultancy projects. Due to this interaction, the requirements of industry will be known to the University. Further, the industry will know the potential of University for solving some of the problems faced in industry. Thereby, the university and industry will be benefitted. The Centre has played a vital role in bringing together the people from industries and faculties through consultancy projects.
Click here to view UILC Brochure
To excel as the best interaction centre in the University by promoting consultancy research between the University and the Industry for imparting quality education and to improve employability skills.
Act as a catalyst for promoting consultancy research amongst academicians, scientists, and industrialists to achieve competitiveness in developing the technical man-power for socio-economic development in the global competition
- To improve the employability, entrepreneurship and research capability of students
- To provide Industrial internships
- To Provide opportunity to interact with industry to select suitable industry oriented projects by PG and PhD students
- To organise industrial workshops/Industry meets/Industry visits
- To sign industrial MOUs for joint research and consultancy projects, Joint specialised PG academic programs for working engineers, and Joint PhD research programs
- Industrial Training programs for faculty
- To modernize the curriculum to suit the need of industry and competitive examinations
- To involvement experts from leading industry and research institutes in university curriculum development
- To provide interaction between faculty and industry to finalise areas of research/consultancy research projects as per their expertise
Advisory Committee:
Vice-Chancellor |
Chairman |
Registrar |
Member |
Director, R&D Cell |
Member |
Director, IQAC |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Pharm Sciences |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Sciences |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Arts |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Law |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Engineering |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Education |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Mgt. |
Member |
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences |
Member |
Finance Officer |
Member |
Director, University-Industry Cell |
Member-Convener |
Achievements, so far......:
- It involves all the stakeholders like students, teachers, non-teaching staff, administration, industry, government and society for meeting the requirements.
- Members from the industry and organizations are inducted in the Board of Studies of each subject and their inputs are incorporated into the curriculum design.
- Soft skill courses and industry internship for B. Tech students are being provided
- All the academic departments are encouraged to invite experts from industry, research institutes and people of eminence in different fields to deliver expert lectures.
- 16 MoUs signed for Academic and Research collaborations with Industry, Science and Technology organizations
- Internship, dissertation, industry projects and seminars are integral part of the syllabi of almost all academic programmes.
- Encourages campus recruitment by the industry.
- Industrial tours are organized for students to provide industrial exposure. The students will submit project reports after completion of their industrial visits.
- The executives from industrial like SCCL, NTPC, NPDCL, SBH, Andhra Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, NSE, ICAI, ICS, Genpact, Capital IQ have been the Industry guest faculty for the department of Commerce and Business Management
- 60% of students doing projects in Industry
- Students also deputed to industry under internship programs
- Tourism Management students have under taken industry oriented projects on different aspect of cultural Tourism, Tourism Industry, Transport and Accommodation etc, every year as part of IV semester course.
- More than 100 guest lectures, seminars and workshops were organized involving experts from Industry and Academia in various branches of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- The University constantly explores possibilities to have tie ups at regional/national and international levels for exchange of knowledge and expertise by entering into MoUs.
- Besides starting new programmes, University encourages inter- disciplinary research through MoUs with industries and other reputed institutes.
- The centre encourages the faculty to interact with the people from industry professionals to find out the areas of consultancy projects and also to enter into MoUs for collaboration in academic and research programs.
- MOU with CDAC Hyderabad: Joint PG and PhD research Programs
- Academic MOU with University of Malaysia: Joint PhD Research Programs
- MOUs with Govt Research laboratories, Industries and International Universities and also have access to Govt. Defence Research and Space Research Laboratories for students for their academic research projects
Industrical Cconsultancy-Norms & Procedures:
- The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for successful completion of consultancy project as per the agreement
- The consultancy project proposal and all supporting/relevant documents must be rooted through HOD to Director-UILC for approval
- The Director-UILC will refer the proposal to technical committee.
- The technical committee will examine the proposal and give suggestions for further processing as per norms and guidelines
- The Director-UIL will issue an approvalletter to PI after getting approval of competent authority.
- The PI will start execution of consultancy project after getting approvals from Director-UILC
- University overheads of 20% of the total project cost must be included in the proposal and it should be charged separately
- All the consultancy project proposals mustinclude university over heads, consultancy fee/man-day charges
- The industry has to pay 95% of project cost in advance i.e. before commencement of project in University Registrar fund account by demand draft (DD).
- The remaining 5% of the project cost will be paid on submission of completion report
- The distribution of consultancy fee is as follows:
Concerned department 15%
Principal Investigator (PI) 30%
Technical Project team 25%
Non-Technical Project team 20%
Director of UILC 10%
- The PI will decide the distribution of consultancy fee to Technical and non-technical teams depending on quantum of works involved and budget available to consultancy projects. However, the PI has to take approval from the Director-UILC for any deviations and tailormade distributions
- The University will not give any Bank guarantee or Indemnity Bond for the money received from the clients/Industry.
- Project outcome will be shared equally i.e. Joint publication, Joint patenting and commercialisation, royalty will be shared equally.
- Director, UILC will coordinate all the consultancy projects
- PG students may be involved and an honorarium paid of Rs 1000-5000 per project. It will be charged to contingency or provision made separately
- The project team members may not be allowed to leave university for employment in other organisation until the completion of consultancy project as per agreement.
- Disbursement of consultancy fee to project team will be approved by Director, only after getting clearance from the industry/consulter
- If any department/faculty takes up consultancy projects without the proper university approvals/violating above procedures/norms, the university is not responsible for any consequences arising thereafter.
1. Singareni Collieries
2. NTPC, Ramagundam
3. Kesoram Cement
4. Sirpur Khagaz Nagar Paper Mill
5. ITC, Bhadrachalam
6. C-DAC
8. NGRI, Hyderabad
9. IICT, Hyderabad
10. CCMB, Hyderabad
11. Reddy Labs, Hyderabad
12. ICRISAT, Hyderabad
13. Bharath Biotech, Hyd.
14. IISc., Bengaluru
15. NMDC, Hyderabad
Furture Challenges:
- To develop students to industry ready for enhanced employability
- To prepare the students to meet the global market standards for better future in teaching, research, higher education leading PhD and POSTDOC research
- To impart relevant skill for the students to became entrepreneur-Job Creators
- Improving industrial consultancy and research projects
- Improving the faculty and industry interactions for better pedagogy
Major Industries Associated - MOUs:
- Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, China
- State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Perth, USA
- Biological Research Centre, Hungary
- Onan Biotech Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad
- National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Punjab
- Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Hyderabad
- I Bongo IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
- Steinmetz Integrated Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad
- Directorate of Seed Research
- Uttam Blastech Ltd, Hyderabad
- Relisys Medical Devices Ltd Hyderabad
- NSL Mining Resources India Ltd
- Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad
- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
- Sri Tanvi Problotics Hyderabad
- Vaishnavi Aquatech , Gujarat
- Hetero Drugs Ltd, Hyderabad
- Department of fisheries
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Contact : |
Click here to view Profile |
Prof. T. Srinivasulu
Director,University - Industry Linkage and Consultancy Cell,
Kakatiya University, Warangal
Mobile: 9542155393. |