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Gudimalla Prashanthi, Kuntamalla Sujatha and Janga Satish, 2022. Molecular Identification of newly isolated Bacillus paramycoides SEQ179_SEZ 0001 – from Tasar Silkworm. Res. Jr. of Agril. Sci. Vol 13: 117–120
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Kaneez Fatima and Kuntamalla Sujatha, 2021. Gender–Wise labour absorption In sericulture cultivation – An empirical study. International Journal of Multidisciplinary educational research peer reviewed and refereed journal: volume:10, issue:7(1) pp 87-93
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Prashanthi Gudimalla, Sampath Akula, Sujatha Kuntamalla, 2020. Isolation, identification, and characterisation of pathogenic bacteria from the gut tissue of silkworm, (bombyx mori, l) and its management using Phyto essential oils. International Journal of Entomology Research Volume 5; Issue 2; Page No. 67 – 69
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Kuntamalla Sujatha & Kaneez Fathima, 2020. Effect of climate change on sustainable development of sericulture. Indian journal of multi disciplinary and educational research. Vol 9 Issue 12 (2) pp 187-193
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and Kaneez Fatima, 2020. Diversified sericulture by products and its value addition, International journal of Multi disciplinary & educational research, volume:9, issue:12 (4) pp 127-131
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Janga Sathis and Kuntamalla Sujatha, 2020. Antibacterial activity and efficient use of acetone leaf extract of A. Muricata for improvement of commercial traits in silkworm, B. mori, L International Journal of Entomology Research Volume 5; Issue 4, Page No. 130-135
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Gudikandula Krishna, J. Anitha, J. Satish kumar, K. Sujatha and M.A Singara Charya, 2019. Impact of Biogenic Silver nano particles on physiological parameters of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). In Relation to feed efficacy and economical traits. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. Vol 9 Issue 3 pp 573-578
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and Janga Sathish, 2017. A study on health problems faced by workers in silk industry. International Journal of Entomology research, Vol 2 Issue 1 pp 76-78
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Shyam Sunder Rudroju, Satish Janga & Sujatha Kuntamalla, 2017. Effect of leaf & stem extract of T. cucumerina on anti bacteria activity and economic traits. Journal of Entomology & Zoology Studies. Vol 5, Issue 2, pp 889 – 894
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Rudroju Shyamsundarachary, Akula Sampath, Kuntamalla Sujatha and Nannan Rama Swamy, 2016. “Effect of leaf and seed extracts of Trichosanthes cucumeriana L. on antibacterial activity and commercial parameters of silkworm, Bombyx mori, L.” Advances in Biological Research. Vol 10 Issue 3, pp 124-131
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Akula Sampath, Kuntamalla Sujatha, Aruri Suryam and M.A. Singaracharya, 2015. Antibacterial activity of phyto essential oils on Flaccherie causing bacteria in the mulberry silkworm, B. mori, L. Journal of Pharmacy & biological Sciences. Vol 10, Issue 5 pp 29-33
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J.Anitha,Kuntamalla Sujatha and Janga Sathish, 2015. "Nutritional efficiency and economic traits in Samia ricini donovan reared on castor leaves fortified with probiotic agent." International Journal of innovative research in sciences, engineering and technology” vol.4, Issue 5 pp 3385 - 3387
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Kuntamalla Sujatha, Janga Sathish and Jirra Anitha, 2015. “Effect of Medicinal Botanical (Ocimum sanctum) Family, Labiateae on commercial parameters of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, L.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, Vol.3, Issue 1 pp 76-78
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K. Sujatha and Akula Sampath, 2015. “Clove oil for the control of flacherie disease and its effect on economic traits of silkworm, Bombyx mori, lepidoptera; (Bombicidae)”. Int J Pharm Bio Sci; Vol 6 Issue 1, pp 1311 – 1323
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Kuntamalla Sujatha, 2014, Entomology as I think.. Uttar Pradesh J.Zool.Vol 34 Issue 2 pp 153
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Sujatha. K, Jaikishan Singh R.S., Sampath A. and Sanjeeva Rao, B.V, 2014, Food consumption and utilization efficiency in Samia ricini Donovan reared on Ricinus communis, lin, Leaves supplemented with cyanobacteria. Int. J. Indust. Entomol. Vol 28 Issue 2 pp 1-7
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Samatha Talari, Sampath. A, Sujatha Kuntamalla, and Rama Swamy Nannan 2014, Effect of stem bark extracts of Oroxylum indicum an ethnomedicinal forest tree on silk production of Bombyx mori. International Journal of pharmaceutical sciences & research. Vol.5, Issue 2 pp 568 - 571
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T. Samatha, A. Sampath, N. Raju, N. Ramaswamy, K. Sujatha and Y.Venkaiah, 2013. Effect of bark extract of Oroxylum indicum on electrophoretic patterns of esterase activity of silkworm Bombyx mori.L., International journal of Advanced Life Sciences (IJALS)
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Samatha Talari, Sampath, A, Sujatha, K, and Rama Swamy Nannan, 2013. Antibacterial Activity of stem bark extracts of Oroxylum indicum an endangered ethnomedicinal forest tree, Journal of Pharmacy and Biological sciences, Vol 7 Issue 1 pp 24 -28.
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A. Sampath, M. Ramesh Babu, K. Sujatha, R.S. Jaikishan Singh and B. Digamber Rao,. 2013. Beneficial Effect of Cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis on Quantitative Traits of Eri Silkworm, Samia cynathia ricini, Boisduval. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol 5, No 3, pp 36-39
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Raju Neerati, Sampath Akula, Sujatha Kuntamalla, Venkaiah Yanamala, 2013. Electrophoretic patterns of esterases in Bombyx mori.L., Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Vol.3, No.8 pp.6336-6340
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M. Venkateshwarlu, K. Sujatha, A. Komurraiah and B. Mallaiah 2007. Effects of indoor air pollution from biomass cook-stoves in rural areas of Warangal, A.P. Nature Environment and pollutions Vol. 6, No. 1 pp. 133 – 135
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M. Venkateshwarulu, K. Sujatha and Ch. Sammaiah, 2007. Studies on Pollen Behavior at different levels of mulberry plants. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplant. Vol – 14, No. 1-2, pp 173-176
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M. Venkateshwarlu, K. Sujatha and Ch. Sridhar Rao, 2007. In vitro regeneration of plants from mature nodal segments of Zizyphus mauritiana, L. Asian J. of Bio Sci. Vol. 2 No.: pp 22-24
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Kuntamalla Sujatha, A. Purshotham Rao, and Ch. Sammaiah, 2007. Bio efficacy of Curcuma longa as bed disinfectant on biological parameters in silkworm, Bombyx mori L (Lepidoptera-Bombycidae). The Asian Journal and Animal Sciences.(June and December), Vol-2, No.1 and 2 pp 80-83
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M. Venkateshwarlu, K. Sujatha and Ch. Sammaiah, 2007. Moisture stress and stomatal frequency for preliminary screening of mulberry (Morus alba) J. Curr. Sci. Vol – 10, No. 1, pp 293 – 296
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and Ch. Sammaiah, 2007. Influence of major constituents in rhizome of Curcuma longa against bacterial disease and on larval and economic traits in silk worm Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Vol – 10, No. 2 pp 497-500
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and Akkinepally Purshotham Rao, 2006. Efficacy of certain plant products as bed disinfectants against bacterial and viral diseases of silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Vol – 9, No. 1 pp 239-243
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2006. Efficacy of turmeric (Curcuma longa) as bed disinfectant against silkworm diseases. Adv. Indian Entomol. Vol 11, pp 145-148
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2005. Influence of alcoholic macerative of neem flowers in the management of flaccherie disease and economical parameters of silkworm, Bombyx mori. Biochem, Cell Arch, Vol -5, No. 1 pp 89-95
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2004. Efficacy of certain botanicals against disease and post cocoon characters of silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol – 7 No. 2 pp 229-235.
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and Akkinepally Purshotham Rao, 2004. Effect of botanical extracts on post cocoon characters and in management of flaccherie disease in silkworm, Bombyx mori, Biochem, Cell, Arch. Vol -4 No. 2 pp 135-142
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Kuntamalla Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2003. Glycogen levels of female reproductive system in silkworm, Bombyx mori exposed to nerium flowers. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India Vol 7 No 2 pp 373-375
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K. Sujatha, and A. Purshotham Rao, 2003. Effect of fortification of mulberry leaf with phytochemicals on the commercial traits of silkworm. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. Vol. 6 No. 2 pp 321 – 323
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K. Sujatha, M. Pranay Kumar and A. Purshotham Rao, 2003. Effect of certain plant extracts on cocoon characters of silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. Vol. 6 No. 2 pp 317-319
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K. Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2003. Effect of Curcuma longa on the commercial characters of multivoltine silkworm. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India Vol. 6 No.1 pp 109 – 111
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K. Sujatha and Purshotham Rao, 2002. Effect of Neurotransmitters (Phytochemicals) on the total glycogen and trehalose during the Vth instar of multivoltine silkworm. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India. Vol.5 No. 1 pp 125 – 130
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K Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2002. Reserpine (A Phytochemical) modulated enhancement of silk productivity in silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India Vol.5 No. 1 pp 57-60.
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K. Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2001. Effect of Phytochemical on glycogen levels in the female reproductive system of multivoltine silkworm. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Experimental Zoology, India Vol. 21 No. 2 pp 169-171
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K. Sujatha and A. Purshotham Rao, 2001. Impact of certain phytochemical substances on coccon charavters of Bombyx mori. Indian academy of S journal. Issue 1. pp 483-486
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K.Sujatha and A.P. Rao, 2001. Studies on the effect of nerium flowers presence in rearing bed on haemolymph trehalose during fifth instar of multivoltine silkworm. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology India. Vol.1 No.3 pp 249-251
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P. Padmaja, K. Sujatha and A. Purushotam Rao, 2001. Effect of temperature on amino acid contents of silk gland and haemolymph in silkworm during early and late age. Journal of Experimental Zoology India. Vol. 4 No.2 pp 295-297
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K. Sujatha, P. Padmaja and A. Purushotam Rao, 2001. The cocoon and post cocoon characters of silkworm, Bombyx mori exposed to different temperatures during larval development. Journal of Experimental Zoology India. Vol.4 No.2 pp 211-214.
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K. Sujatha and A.P. Rao, 2000. Phytochemical effects on haemolymph trehalose during Fifth instar of multivoltine silkworm Bombyx mori. Journal of Experimental Zoology India. Vol.3 No.2 pp 213-216
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K.Sujatha and A. Purushotham Rao, 2000. The influence of the odour of nerium flower on the reproductive efficiency of Bombyx mori Lepidoptera. Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Zoology. Vol.20 (2) pp 195-196
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Kuntamalla Sujatha, A.P Rao, Ch Sammaiah 2007. Role of secondary metabolities of spicy aromatic plants (M. papireta) on the economi ctraits of mulberry silkworm Bomby mori. Diversity & life processes fro ocean and land issue 1 pp 150-185