1. Kuraganti Guna Swetha (2019) awaded Ph.D in Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal on topic entitiled "Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds Produced by Freshwater Cyanobacteria in Telangana Region,
2. Viddamuri Swetha (2021) awarded Ph.D in Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal on topic entitiled " Isolation and Charaterization of Phenol Degradation Bacterial Strain from Industrial Effluents".
3. Anreddy Mamatha (2022) awarded Ph.D in Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal on topic entitled "Extraction and Charecterization of Bioactive Compounds from Endophytic Fungi Mucor circinelloides and their Biological applications".
4. Dasari Thrimothi (2024) awarded Ph.D in Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal on topic entitled "Screening and Characterization of Laccases from Fungal Strains for Bioremediation of Industrial Effluents"