The faculty and research scholars of the Department through their innovative research have developed the following technologies that can be transmitted to industry and society.
1. Mycotoxins –Purification and characterization
2. Biofuel- Hydrogen production from wastewaters
3. Bioinoculants for agroforestry in waste and disturbed lands
4. Decolorization of dyes
5. Biodesulphurisation fossil fuels (coal)
6. Cultivation of indigenous mushroom fungi
7. Molecular plant pathology
Research Areas
- Microbial diversity; Biosystematics
- Biofertilizers : VAM Technology
- Microbial technology
- Bio fuels ; Hydrogen ,Ethanol
- Industrial enzymes: laccases, proteases, lipases, amylases
- Environmental Microbiology: Biodegradation of dyes
- Mycotoxicology
- Post harvest diseases
- Plant Molecular Biology, Molecular Plant Pathology
- Medical Microbiology: dermatophytes ,TB ,HIV,CPOD
- Fresh water microbiology: Potable water
- Biotransformations
- Thermophiles –Thermostable enzymes