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Ph. D. Notification Sciences July, 2024 Extended upto 24/02/2025
Ph.D. PROGRAMS 2024-2025 — Applications calling for recognition of Govt. Degree & PG Colleges as Research Centres and eligible regular faculty as Research Supervisors under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University
Ph.D. Rules 2024-2025
Spoken English and Communication Skills (6-week / 40 days) classes will be scheduled shortly from 1st Feb 2025 to 12th March 2025 at CELT(Centre for English Language Teacing) in The Department of English, Kakatiya University. The Interested Candidates, Students, housewives and Non-Teaching Staff can submit their Applications / come directly to apply on before 27th January 2025
Kakatiya University, Warangal - University Health Centres - Applications called for the post of Medical Officer (One Male & One Female) on contract basis
Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024-2025 (July 2024 Session) - Faculty of Law
Ph.D. Norms 2024-2025
Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024-2025 (July 2024 Session) - Faculty of Commerce & Business Management
Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024-2025 (July 2024 Session) - Faculty of Social Sciences
Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024-2025 (July 2024 Session) - Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. Notification - 2024-25 and Rules & Regulations
Ph.D. Merit List of Mathematics
Ph.D. Merit List of Chemistry
Ph.D. Merit List of Biotecnology
Ph.D. Merit List of Computer Science
Ph.D. Merit List of Geology
Ph.D. Merit List of Micro Biology
Ph.D. Merit List of Physics
Ph.D. Merit List of Statistics
Ph.D. Merit List of Pharmacy
Ph.D. Merit List of Commerce & Business Management
Ph.D. Merit List of Education
Ph.D. Merit List of History
Ph.D. Merit List of Economics
Ph.D. Merit List of HRM
Ph.D. Merit List of Political Science
Ph.D. Merit List of Public Administration
Ph.D. Merit List of Tourism Management
Ph.D. Merit List of Social Work
Ph.D. Merit List of Sociology
Ph.D. Merit List of Law
PhD Merit List of Mechanical Engineering
PhD Merit List of Civil Engineering
PhD Merit List of Electronics and Communication Engineering
PhD Merit List of Computer Science & Engineering
NOTIFICATION - Spoken English and Communication Skills (6-week/40 days) classes will be scheduled shortly at CELT - Submit applications directly on or before 20th March 2024.
The last date for registration of nominations for the position of "Professor of Practice" in Kakatiya University, Warangal is extended up to 30/12/2023
NOTIFICATION - University Health Centre, KU - Applications called for the appointment of Male Medical Officer on contract basis
NOTIFICATION - Professor of Practice (PoP) - Kakatiya University has registered itself as Higher Education Institution in the Professor of Practice (PoP) portal of UGC, and nominations are invited in the Pharmacy, Life Science (Biotechnology & Microbiology) Mining & Engineering (all branches), Management, Soft Skills, Social Science (Public Administration, Social Work & Rural development, Law, Journalism & Mass communication, Entrepreneurship. Interested distinguished experts, who wish to be considered as "Professor of Practice", can register themselves in the Professor of Practice(PoP) in person or by post/courier latest by 15/12/2023 at 05.00 P.M.
82nd Indian History Congress Local Secretary Circular
KU IDEA 2023 - Final Call (with revised dates) IDEA Silver Jubilee Conference on EMERGING "NEW" WORLD OF OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION MAKING TRANSFORMATION HAPPEN 03rd to 05th November, 2023. Venue: Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana State, INDIA 506009
NOTIFICATION - Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for guest faculty with the following educational qualifications to teach B.Ed. / M.Ed. students in the Department of Education, Kakatiya University, Warangal for the following temporary teaching arrangements during the academic year 2022-2023 / 2023-2024
UG Notification for Year wise Scheme Candidates - 2023
Call for Applications for Admission into Ph.D Program(Law, Commerce& BA, Education, Engineering, Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Science & Arts)Notification 2021-22 under Category-II
Application form for Ph.D Programme for qualified candidates Under Categeory-II
Release of Ph.D. Entrance Test - 2022 Results
Application for enrolment of Competitive Examination Coaching Center for University Ist Year students-Last Date 13-02-2023
IDEA Online meeting on National Education Policy on 27Th January 2023
Press Note- Postponement of B.Tech II year exams which are scheduled on 17th and 19th
Keys of the Ph.D Entrance Examinations-2022 are released. Mail the objections to controller.exams@kakatiya.ac.in on or before 12-01-2023.
Raj Bhavan, Telangana - Conduct of contest for State University students on 1.Essay writing, 2. Elocution and 3. G20 Logo making as part of creation of awareness about India's Presidency of G20
Applications are invited for the following posts under the ICMR-EMR funded project entitled "Data mining prediction and forecasting models for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) using Machine Learning" for a period of one year (extendable for another 2 years)
Elections - State Cooperative Election Authority - Conduct of Elections to the Managing Committee of the Kakatiya University Employees Cooperative Credit Society Ltd., Regd.No.49TK, Warangal, Hanmakonda District - Appointment of Election Officer
Elections - State Cooperative Election Authority - Conduct of Elections to the Managing Committee of the Kakatiya University Employees Cooperative Credit Society Ltd., Regd.No.49TK, Warangal, Hanmakonda District - Appointment of Election Officer
Kakatiya University - Co-operative Voters List - 2022
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav - Essay competition to the youth and college students on the occasion of 75 years of Independence Day - Opportunity to the students to participate in the competition by 09th August, 2022
XXII-Convocation Notification
Press note and Online Application for the Award of Ph.D Degree at the Convocation.
READMISSIONS - One time permission to the candidates who finished all the course except final Semester or year of the course within their maximum time frame of the course by 2021-202.2 to get readmission into LL.B./LL. D1. Final Semester for the academic year 2022-2023 in relaxation of time frame
Kakatiya University NEWS UPDATES
TSICET - 2022 - WEB NOTIFICATION - Conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of TSCHE, Hyderabad
Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022 - Extension of the last date for submission of application with a late fee of Rs. 500/- from 17/06/2022 to 27/06/2022
Department of Physical Education - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Political Science - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Statistics - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
HRM - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of English - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Economics - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Social Work - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Sociology - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Public Administration & HRM - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Bio-technology - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Law - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Commerce & Business Management - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Mechanical Engineering - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Computer Science & Engineering - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Civil Engineering - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Telugu - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-202
Department of History & Tourism Management - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Physics - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Micro Biology - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Mathematics - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Chemistry - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
MCA - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Zoology - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Geology - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Syllabus of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022
Ph.D Programme under Category – I- in the faculty of PHARMACY-Notice
Ph.D Programme under Category – I- in the faculty of Science-Notice
Ph.D Programme under Category – I- in the faculty of Science-Notice
Ph.D Programme under Category – I- in Commerce and Business Management-Notice
PhD Admission Category -I-Faculty of Engineering & Technology-Notice
Ph. D Notification 2021-22 under Category-II
PhD Admission Category -I-Faculty of Arts-Notice
PhD Admission Category -I-Faculty of Social Sciences-Notice
AKUT ELECTIONS 2022-2024 - Nomination Form
AKUT ELECTIONS 2022-2024 - Election Programme - Notification
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Estt. Applications invited from the eligible staff members for filling up of the post of Finance Officer, KU.
Establishment - Non-Teaching Staff- Revised Notification issued calling applications from amongst the internal eligible Superintendents for the post of Assistant Registrar
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for the post of NSS Programme Coordinator, who fulfil the qualifications and conditions for the appointment so as to reach the undersigned in person or by post by 5.00 p.m. on or before 27/08/2021
KU - Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of Temporary affiliation for the academic year 2021-22 - inviting applications through online - notification issued - reg.
TSICET - 2021 - WEB NOTIFICATION - Conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of TSCHE, Hyderabad
ALMANAC - Almanac for B. Pharmacy I Year (I & II Semesters) for the academic year 2020-2021 - Communicated - Regarding
NOTICE - KU Journal of Social Sciences - Call for research papers by the end of January 2021
Re-Admissions into UG & PG (Professional & Non-Professional) Courses and Transfer of Admissions into UG (Non-Professional) Courses for the academic year 2020-21 is extended upto 15th October, 2020
Connect to Chancellor Program
ICT initiative from MHRD and UGC on line Courses
Free online couses available by top universities
QIP Ph.D Admission Brochure Sponsored by AICTE
Temporary Teaching Arrangements - Applications are called from the eligible candidates to teach for B.Ed./M.Ed. for the academic year 2019-2020.
UCE-KOTHAGUDEM - Tender notification for hiring the services of Electrician and Wireman on outsourcing basis at University College of Engineering, KU, Kothagudem. The last date for submission of tender is extended to 21-01-2020.
Applications are called from the eligible candidates to teach for M.Sc.(Mathematics(Regular) / Applied Mathematics(SFC)) students in the Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University, Warangal or University College for Women, Subedari, Hanamkonda as Guest Faculty for the Academic Year: 2019-20.
UCE-KOTHAGUDEM - Tender notification for hiring the services of Electrician and Wireman on outsourcing basis at University College of Engineering, KU, Kothagudem
Category-B ADMISSIONS-2019-2020 - Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I-Year B.Tech., B.Pharmacy, Pharm.D., M.Tech., M.Pharmacy, Pharm.D(PB), MBA, MCA, B.Ed., B.P.Ed., M.A. M.Com. & M.Sc. Courses under Management quota & Minority quota for the academic year 2019-2020 for verification and approval
Call for applictions - 2019-20 Newton Bhabha Fund PhD Placement
ACADEMIC BRANCH, KU - Submission of College particulars for confirmation in e-pass of Welfare Department, Government of Telangana for sanction of scholarships for the year 2019-2020
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to work in the IMPRESS Project sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi
Notification for guest faculty in the Department of Statistics, KU -2019-20
Establishment of Dr.S. Radhakrishana Chair and Four Rajya Sabha Fellowships under the Rajya Sabha Research and Study (RSRS) Scheme by Rajya Sabha
Research fellowship to work in South Korea.
Appointment of Incharge Vice - chancellor of Kakaitya University - Warangal
Appointment to the post of Member (Economic and Commercial) in the Certral Electricity Authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis - inviting applications for - reagarding
TRANSFER Of ADMISSIONS & RE - ADMISSIONS extended - II and III years in Under - Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2019-2020 - Extension of time
UGC - Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India's Developing Economy (STRIDE)
Notification for JRF or SRF Position of CSIR Project in the Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University
All the students who have applied for admissions for Under-graduation programs through Degree Online Services Telangana (DOST) are hereby informed that
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under-Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2019-2020
Notification and Application Form For Research Associateship Under Csir Emeritus Scientist Scheme
Japanese Government [MEXT] Scholarship Programme 2020
The last date for application of Academic Consultants positions is extended to 03-06-2019 - Notification for the Academic Consultants on Purely Temporary Basis in Civil Engineering
Telangana State Biodiversity Board - "International Day for Bilological Diversity 2019" to be held on 22.05.2019
Notification for Project fellow
CAS Application Form
CAS guidelines as per 4 th amendment
The Coaching classes for Net - Examination of UGC, CSIR & TS - SET for Paper - I starts from 28-01-2019
University Grants Commission invites applications for the award of 1000 fellowships under the scheme of "Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority students" for the year 2018-19
Date of Extension for submission of applications for UGC & CSIR - NET in all the major subjects
B.P.Ed. Admissions - Guidelines to send the lists of B.P.Ed. admissions 2018-2019 and original certificates of the candidates admitted under Management/Minority quota for final scrutiny by the University
M.PHARMACY/M.TECH/PHARM.D (PB) ADMISSIONS – 2018 2019 – Verification of admissions made under 30% B-Category seats by the University - Guidelines to submit the admissions along with Original Certificates on or before 01-10-2018
B.Pharmacy/B.Tech Admissions - 2018-2019
Dept of Sociology & Social Work- UASC, 10-Day Research Methodology Course Notification.
UG (NP) Courses I year I Semester Change in the short term vacation - 2018-19
Opportunity for your college students to transform themselves in 50 days
ADMISSIONS – Post-Graduate Courses – Filling up of 20% supernumerary seats under Management Quota in Non-Professional Post-Graduate Courses in aided and unaided colleges –Furnish details of filled in seats for the academic year 2018-2019.
B.Ed Admissions 2018 -19
MBA/MCA Admissions -2018-2019
Dr.D.C. Pravate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge, 2019 University of Karnatak University, Dharwad
Walk in Interview on 10/07/2018
Twenty First Convocation of Kakatiya University will be held on 11th July, 2018
TSCHE - State. Cell - MHRD - Model Educational Loan Scheme - Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme on the educational loans for economically weaker sections
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2018-2019
Presidential Awards for scholars in various languages for the year - 2018
FIST - Program – 2018
Notification for Admissions into Undergraduate Courses(UG) in Telangana State Through Degree Online Services, Telangana(DOST) 2018-19
Japanese Government [MEXT] Scholarship Program 2019 (Undergraduate students, Col1lege of Technology students and Specialized Training College students)
Lok Sabha Internship Programme - 2018
TSCOST - DST Project - 2018-19
CAS Application form
University Teachers - UGC -RSP - 2006 - Carrer Advacement Scheme
M.Phil Admissions - 2018
FEE - Payment of various fee to the University - Information Sent
University Grants Commission
TSCHE - State.cell - Aadhar Linked Geo Tagged Times Stamped Biometric Attendance Management
Fee - Collection of Additional Fee other that prescribed - Disciplinary action
Employment Notification - Shri Govind Guru University Gadupur Godhra
Employment Notification - Sambalpur University Odisha
Submission of claims in respect of Free Eduaction for Sports Medal Winners/Participants of National/International Events regarding
UG (CBCS) I Year I Semester and II Year I Semester Examinations 2017- BA/BBA/BCA/B.Com/B.Sc Practical Papers Examinations
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for Education Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for Engineering Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for Law Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for MBA & MCA Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for PG Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for Pharmacy Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for Physical Education Colleges
Application for Extension (Renewal) of Affiliation for the Academic Year 2018-2019 - Proforma for UG Colleges
Notification of Affiliation for the Academic Year - 2018-19
List of candidates called for interview along with schedule for admission into Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Engineering & Technology - Detailed Schedule of interviews for admission in Ph.D
Dept, of Telugu & English - Detailed Schedule of interviews for admission in Ph.D
UGC Sponsored 2 Day National Workshop on Design and Analysis of Algorithms (29 & 30 Dec., 2017), Organized by Dept. of Computer Science, KU
Dept, of Commerce & Business Management - Detailed Schedule of interviews for admission in Ph.D
ICAI Commerce Wizard - 2017
World Pease Festival Society (International) Warangal - Shanthi Dootha Awards to the Best Students of KU
Notification for part time faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering,KU College of Engineering and Technology
Principal's meeting on 13-11-2017
UG (non-professional) Courses - Relaxion the rules for Promotion of Students from II Semester to III Semester for one - time as a Special Case for the Academic Year 2017-18
Professional Courses - Submission of Examination Forms/Practical Award Lists/Internal Marks/Name Corrections
UGC notification
Promotion & Re-admissions Deviation in rules of Promotion and readmission into U.G & P.G Programs (Professional and Non - Professional) in constituent Affiliated (Aided and unaided) colleges under Kakatiya University jurisdiction
B.Ed & B.P.Ed. Admissions 2017-18
UG Suppl 2017 and Phamr.D Suppl 2017 - Post-poned due to Deepavali Festival and Re-scheduled Date & Time
UG - Professional and PG (Professional & Non Professional) Courses - Request of ex-candidates to clear their back-logs in relaxation of time frame-Permission accorded
Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I year MBA / MCA courses Under management / Minority quota for the academic year 2017-18
M.Pharmacy/M.Tech/Pharm.D (PB) Admissions - 2017-18
Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I year B.Pharmacy / B.Tech courses for the academic year 2017-18
Academic Audit - Exhibit a notice board giving details of the PG Portal of UGC Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Students Grievances Portal
Notification For Admission Into Ph.D Programme Under Category-II (Open To All ) For The Academic Years 2015 - 2016 & 2016-2017
Filling up of left over seats in various PG Non-Professional courses by the Principals of colleges of the acedemic year 2017 -18
UGC RSP - 2006 - Career Advancement Scheme - Applications for award of next higher grade (AGP), Promotion of Associate Professor
Post-Graduate Courses - Filling up 20% supernumerary seats under Management Quota in Non Professional Post-Graduate Courses in aided and unaided colleges 2017 -18
Establishment - Request to assign Part-time teaching to Ph.D disability candidates in all the departments
Phase-1 Course Fee payment date is extended to 26th of August
Allotment result is published, candidate can login and pay their fees, and download their allotment letter.
ACADEMIC AUDIT - 23rd Annual Conference of Indian Colleges Forum on "Challenges before Higher Education in the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution" at Hyderabad from 8-10th September, 2017
75th Year of Quit India Movement.
75th year of Quit India Movement and 70th year of India's Independence
Prohibition of Ragging in the Educational Institution - Additional Measures
Proactive and intervention strategy against Drugs abus Orgaizing of orientation programs, parents meetings and talks by offices of Police & administration Departments
RAGGING - UGC development (4) shorts films and a documentary to film to counsel students on ill effects of ragging
STATE FUNCTION - Celebration of "Prof Kothapalli Jayashankar Jayanthi" on 6th August, 2017
State Awards to Universty Teachers for the year - 2017 -Proposals called by the State Government
Examination Branch - Principals meeting on 01-08-2017
Particulars of Affiliated College for Confirmation in E-Pass
CBCS - Teaching of Gender Sensitization subject by qualified P.G. Gender Studies candidates Instructions.
Recruitment of full time Medical officer purely on temporary / contractual base
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under-Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2017-18
Public Holiday -Postponement of Public Holiday ''BONALU'' Festival - Circular
UGC RSP - 2006 - Career Advancement Scheme - Applications for award of next higher grade (AGP), Promotion of Associate Professor
Prohibition of Ragging in the Educational Institution - Plan of Action for the year 2017-18
Meeting of the Principals of University and Affiliated (UG-NP) Colleges to be held on 21st June, 2017.
The Government to regulate the prices of coronary stents - Reg.
TRANSFER OF ADMISSIONS & RE-ADMISSIONS - II and III years in Under-Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2017-18
Ramzan Festival Permission to All the Muslim Employees to Leave the Office/College by 4.00 p.m. during the month of Ramzan
Telangana Formation Day on Friday, the 2nd June, 2017
Enhancement fee as other fee to be paid by the students of Under-Graduate (Non-Professional) courses from the academic year 2017-18
KUPGCET Admission Notification - 2017
Meeting of the Heads of Departments scheduled to be held on 13.04.2017.
Particulars of teaching staff Upload the details of teaching staff (ratified by the University / appointed by management).
Meeting of the Secretaries/Correspondents/Principals of UG & PG Colleges (Non Professional) to be held on 07/04/2017.
Sanction of Child Care Leave for three (3) month to the women employees
Appointment of Senior Assistant under 50% Writeen Test Quota from among the internal Regular employees
SDLCE Notification
Appointment on promotion to the post of Senior Assistant under 50% Writeen Test Quota from among the University employees
Celebration of 278th Birth Anniversary of Sant Sri Sevalal Maharaj on 28th February 2017
Send the list of Jouranals to be considered for the purpose of computation of API Scores Request
Affiliated colleges - Affiliation - Extension (Renewal) of temporary affiliation for the academic year 2017-18
Orders relating the National Anthem of India Communicated
Send the list of Jouranals to be considered for the purpose of computation of API Scores Request
Click here for Ph.D. & M.Phil. Application - 2017
Non - Gazetted - Appointment of Senior Assistants under 50% Test Quota from among the regular internal university employees - 2017
STATE FUNCTIONS - Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Affiliated Colleges - Affiliation Extension (Renewal) of temporary affilition for the academic year 2017-18
Letter inviting budget proposals 2017-2018
UGC - National Science Day on 28th February, 2017
Inter-college Tourment Phase-II (Athletics M&W, Kho-Kho(M), Soft Ball (M) and Ball Badminton(M) of our University for the year 2016-17
KU - RTI Cell - Certain instructions
Department of Mathematics, Part - Time Lecturers Interviews, will be held on 10th November 2016
UGC Unit KU Circular 2016-17
Academic-Procurement-and installation of Aadhar enabled biometric attendance machines and also CCTV Cameras on the College Campuses
Notification for the Recruitment of Part-Time Lecturers in KU Department of Mathematics
Submission List of B.Pharmacy/B.Tech candidates admitted under management quota extended with out late fee upto 31st October 2016, with late fee Rs. 5000 /- upto 7th November 2016
Submission List of Post-Graduate (NP) candidates admitted under management quota extended with out late fee upto 31st October 2016, with late fee Rs. 5000 /- upto 7th November 2016
Notification for the Recruitment of Academic Consultants in KU College of Engineering & Technology, Warangal
Notification for the Recruitment of Academic Consultants in University College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Warangal
Notification for the Recruitment of Academic Consultants in University College of Engineering, Kothagudem
Prohibition of Ragging in the Educational Institution - Plan of Action for the year 2016-17
M.Pharmacy/M.Tech/Pharm.D (PB) Admissions - 2016 - 2017
MBA/MCA Admissions 2016-17
Incom Tax Circular for 2016-17
Income Tax Form - A
CAS Circular - 2016
CAS Application Form - 2016
Transfer of Admissions and re-admissions to II and III years of Under-Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2016 - 2017
Post-Graduate Courses - Filling up 20% supernumerary seats under Management Quota in Non Professional Post-Graduate Courses in aided and unaided colleges 2016 -17
B.Pharmacy/B.Tech Admissions 2016 - 17
Filling up of left over seats in various PG Noon-Professional courses by the Principals of colleges of the acedemic year 2016 -17
Third Endowment Lecture in memory of Padmavibhushan Late Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao on 17th September 2016
Ministry of HRD, Department of Higher Education
Particulars of Affiliated College for Confirmation in e-PASS - Form.
Declaration of ''Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao'' Poet, Jayanthi on 9th September
FEE - Prescribing of fee to be payable by the students to the University through colleges, who joined in B.Ed. & M.Ed. (II years) Courses 2015 - 2016
Fee - for the Change of management, Change of College name, Inter Conversion of College and Shifting of the College and Penalty for unauthorized activities
Notification for the Appointment of Project Fellow for Department of History and Tourisam Management
"Notification for the Appointment of Project Fellow" for College of Pharmacy
Fee - Payment of various fees by the students to the University - 2015 -16 - Submission of Supplementary NRs- No dues from the Academic Audit
Dr.K. Jayashankar Fourth Endowment Lecture
Transfer of Admissions and re-admissions to II and III years of Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2016 - 2017, Extension of last date upto 3rd August, 2016
Academic - Procurement and installation of Aadhar enabled Biometric attendance machines and also CCTV Cameras on the College Campuses
CAS Circular for extension of last date for submission of application forms
Reschedule - KUPGCET-2016 First Phase Certificate Verification and Web Option Schedule
Application-Form for Promotion under Career Advancement Scheme of the UGC RSP-2006 (Teachers and other Academic Staff of the University)
Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2016 at 6.00 am.
Certificates Verification for Admissions to Under Graduate (Non-Professional) Courses Under Special Category for the Academic Year 2016-17
Collegiate Education - PMU - Degree Online Services Telangana (DOST) Revised Schedule of UG Online Admissions for the Academic Year 2016-17
Meeting of the Principals of University and Affliated (UG-NP) COlleges scheduled to be held on 4th June, 2016
Observation of Anti-Terrorism Day on 21-05-2016
Notification for Admission into Undergraduate (Non-Professional) Courses in Telangana State
Notification for the Post of NSS Programme Coordinator
UG Online Admissions - 2016-2017 - Authentication Of Course Structure
UG Online Admissions for Private Affiliated Colleges
UG Online Admissions for Aided Degree Colleges (Non-Professional)
User ID and Passwords for Private Colleges
Last date of submission of Affiliation Profile for the Academic Year 2016-2017
CAS Circular - 2016
Implementation of Choice Based Credit System in U.G. (Professional & Non-Professional) courses from the academic year 2016-2017.
Notification for the selection of Project fellow
Notification and Registration form of Research Methodology Course for Ph.D. Students(SC Category)
Applications are invited for temporary assignment of JRF/Project Fellow/Research Assistant position on DST sponsored project
Auction of the OId Used Answer Scripts, Un Used Question Papers Calling for Tenders – Terms and Conditions.
applications are invited from eligible candidates to work as Project Fellow in the UGC SAP-II
permission to complete the teaching practice and submit project report also applear supplementary theory and practical examinations-2015 to complete B.Ed couse
MBA/MCA Admissions- 2015-16 -Extension of date for submission of list of admitted candidates under Management quota
B.Pharmacy/B.Tech. Admission-2015-16- Extension of date for submission of list of admitted candidates under management quota
B.Ed. admissions-2015-16-Extension of date for submission of list of admitted candidates under Management Quota
M.Pharmacy/M.Tech/Pharm D (PB) admissions- 2015-16- Extension of date for submission of list of admitted candidates under Management quota
KUPGCET-2015 M.Ed Vacancy Report for Spot on 05-12-2015
Two - Day Joint Seminar on "Compaines Act, 2013 New Standards for Corporate Governance" during 21 - 22nd December, 2015.
Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I year B.Pharmacy / B.Tech courses for the academic year 2015-16
B.Ed. Admissions 2015-2016
Guidelines to submit the list of admissions made into I year MBA / MCA courses Under management / Minority quota/ convener quota for the academic year 2015-16
M.Pharmacy /M.Tech /Pharma. D (PB) Admissions for the academic year 2015-16
Postponement of interviews scheduled on 05/11/2015 for the temporary teaching positions in University Engineering Colleges
Inter-Collegiate Tournaments Phase-II from 5th to 7th Nov 2015 & Fixtures for the year 2015-16
UG (Professional) & PG (Professional and Non- Professional) Courses - Request of ex-candidates to clear their back- logs in relaxation of time frame - Permission accorded
Notification for Engineering Faculty on Contractual Basis
Particulars of Affiliated College for Confirmation in e - Pass
Public Holiday Modification of General Holiday on the occasion of Bakrid on 25-09-2015 (Friday) instead of 24-09-2015.
The Yoga Centre is conducting a Five - day Yoga Therapy Camp during September 18 - 22, 2015,
Second Endowment Lecture in memory of Padmavibhushan Late Sri Kaloji Narayan Rao on 14 th September 2015
Celebrations of 125 th Birth Anniversary of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
ADMISSIONS - Post-Graduate Courses-Filling up of 20% supernumerary seats under Management Quota in Non-Professional Post-Graduate Courses in aided and unaided colleges - Furnish details of filled in seats for the academic year 2015-2016.
Scholarships for students at MHRD National e-schoarship portal. Apply online
Telangana Academy for skill and Knowledge
ADMISSIONS - Transfer of Admissions to II and III years of Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2015-16 - Extension of last date upto 14 th August, 2015
Admission Schedule (revised) for the I Year Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2015-16
B.Ed. Course - Collection of Excess fee from the students of B.Ed. course
Meeting of the Principals of University and Affiliated (UG-NP) Colleges scheduled to be held on 30th June, 2015
Faculty of Social Sciences : Dates of Ph.d admissions date - wise
Submission of College particulars of University & Affiliated Colleges for confirmation in e-pass of Welfare Department, Government of Telangana for sanction of scholarships for the year 2014-15
Admission schedule for the Under - Graduate (NP) courses for the academic year 2015-16.
Adoption of Choice Based Credit System
particulars of affiliated college for e-Pass (circular / proforma)
Choice Based Credit System to be introduced in all the departments from the year -2015-16.
Furnishing of information KU Website most urgent
National Science Day- Dept of Zoology
Submission List of B.Ed candidates admitted under management quota extended with out late fee upto 19th January 2015, with late fee Rs. 5000 /- upto 31st January 2015
Kakatiya University Genaral Holidays for the year - 2015
BTech / BPharmacy Admission guidelines 2014-15
BEd Admission guidelines 2014-15
Pensioner's Life Certificate
Student result
Dearness Allowance with effect from 01.07.2014
Post - Graduate Courses - Filling up of 20 % supernumerary seats under Management Quota in Non - teachnical Post - Graduate Courses in aided and unaided colleges - Furnish details of filled in seats for the academic year 2014-15.
ADMISSIONS - Filling up of left over seats in various PG Nontechnical courses by the Principals of the colleges for the academic year 2014 - 2015 - Permission
Information call for B.Ed. Course fees collection from students by the Affiliated Colleges
ADMISSIONS - Transfer of Admissions to II and III years of Under Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2014-15 - Extension of date upto 14 th August, 2014
SYLLABUS - Sending of revised syllabus of B.A. Economics I Year I & III from the academic year 2014-15
Guidelines for Strict Implementation of Reservation Policy of The Government In Universities, Colleges and Other Grant-In-Aid Institutions and Centers- Data Sheet
Under - Graduate (NP) Colleges Extension of summer vacation for Degree Colleges
Admission schedule for the Under - Graduate (NP) Courses for the academic year 2014 - 2015
Pharmaceutical Sciences PH D Admission interviews between 20-21, Jan 2014. Merit List of Candidates Called for Interview on 20 / 01 / 2014
AISHE - Upload of DCF - II File 2011 - 2012 & 2012 - 2013
Most Urgent : Affiliated / Constituent Colleges of Kakatiya University Upload DCF - II - for the Years 2011-2012 and 2012- 2013 AISHE MHRD Govt of India