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Books/Research Publications of the Faculty (from 01-04-2019 to 31-03-2020)

Name of the Teacher

Title of the Book/Article

Publication Details




Prof. M. Rajeshwar

Empowering Self and Society through Education: Raamaa Chandramouli’s HE and Other Stories as Inspirational Fiction

Kakatiya Journal of English Studies 39 (2020): 1-8.


Prof. M. Rajeshwar

Scholar Extraordinary: The Achievement of Prof. D. Ramakrishna as Critic and Creative Writer

Kakatiya Journal of English Studies 39 (2020): 39-47.


Prof K. Purushotham

Fight and Fortune. Short Fiction of P.V. Narasimha Rao. Trans with P. Dinakar.

New Delhi: Authors Press, 2020.


Prof K. Purushotham

Ahead of their Times: Essays on Women Autobiography in India

New Delhi: Kalpaz Publishers, 2020.


Prof K. Purushotham

Social Reform to Dandora: A Critical Perspective of Telugu Dalit Short Stories in Historical Perspective. 

Kakatiya Journal of Historical Studies. Vol. XV. No.1 (May2020):1-13.

UGC Care

Prof K. Purushotham

The Predicament of Modern Man: A Reading of Asampoorna: The Incomplete.

Kakatiya Journal of English Studies. Vol. 39 (2020): ISSN 0971-8877.



Prof K. Purushotham

‘Water’ing Controversies: Deepa Mehta’s Images to Bapsi Sidhwa’s Words.                


Kakatiya Journal of English Studies. Vol. 38 (2019): 91-95. ISSN 0971-8877.


Prof K. Purushotham


Corporate Communication for Management Students. Ed. Srinivas Bitla. NC: Lulu, 2019.


Prof K. Purushotham

Yendluri Sudhakar. “Jambavantha and my FoolISH Maava.”

Saaranga. Jan 2019. https://magazine.saarangabooks.com/jambavantha-and-my-foolish-maava/. Web. 


Dr B. Deepa Jyothi

Another Harmoney: Oral Tradition and Folklore of the Lambadas

Kalpaz Publications, Delhi. 2020
