Mohan Reddy (2018): Food Security and Public Distribution System in India - A Brief Note, paper published in Towards Development of Telangana Economy – An alternative Model in Indian Context (ed.), by Dr.Ramesh Reddy. et. al, Paramount Publications, Hyderabad, 2018, pp.186-194 (ISBN: 978-93-85101-36-6).
Mohan Reddy (2018): Cropping Pattern among the Tribal Households- A Study in Telangana, paper published in the Emperor International Journal of Finance Management Research, Vol. 4, Issue-3, February, 2018, pp. 158-171 (ISSN: 2395-5929).
Mohan Reddy (2017): Structural Transformation of the Indian Economy during Pre and Post Reforms Period: An Analytical Note, paper published in The Indian Economic Journal (Special Issue) on behalf of the Indian Economic Association, December, 2017, pp. 220-228 (ISSN: 0019-4662).
Mohan Reddy (2017): Regional Disparities in Agriculture and Industry of India: A Pre and Post Reform Analysis, paper published in The Indian Economic Journal (Special Issue) on behalf of the Indian Economic Association, December, 2017, pp. 132-139 (ISSN: 0019-4662).
Mohan Reddy (2018): Gender Differentials in Education Marching towards Equity in India- An Analytical Note, paper published in The Indian Economic Journal (Special Issue) on behalf of the Indian Economic Association, 101 Century Second Annual Conference. P.87
Mohan Reddy (2018): Regional Perspective of Agriculture in India: A Pre and Post Reform Analysis, paper published in The Indian Economic Journal (Special Issue) on behalf of the Indian Economic Association, December, 2018, pp. 41-48 (ISSN: 0019-4662).
Mohan Reddy (2018): An Empirical Analysis of Cropping Pattern Among the Tribal Households, paper published in The Second Annual Conference Volume, Telangana Economic Association, 10th & 11th, February, 2018, pp. 185-202.
Mohan Reddy (2019): An Empirical Analysis of Food Security and Public Distribution System, paper published in the Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Vol. VIII. No.1, January-March, 2019, pp.73-79
Mohan Reddy (2019): Indebtedness Among Tribal and Non-Tribal Households, paper published in The Third Annual Conference Volume, Telangana Economic Association, 9th & 10th, February, 2019, pp. 175-188 (ISSN: 978-81-940369-1-3).
Mohan Reddy (2020): Employment in Rural Non-Farm Sector – An Empirical Analysis, paper published in The Fourth Annual Conference Volume, Telangana Economic Association, 15-16, February, 2020, pp. 19-25 (ISSN: 978-81-940369-0-6)
Lal B. Suresh(2020): A Review of Understanding Sustainable Sanitation, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, Volume-6, Issue-5, May, pp:380-385 https://www.ijirmf.com/wpcontent/uploads/IJIRMF202005066.pdf, www.doi.org/10.2015/IJIRMF.2455.0620/202005 066
Lal B. Suresh(2020): Back to Basics: Understanding Hand Hygiene and Quarantine, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, Volume-6, Issue-4, April, pp:245-251 https://www.ijirmf.com/wp-content/uploads/IJIRMF202004044.pdf, www.doi.org/10.2015/IJIRMF.2455.0620/202004044
. Lal B. Suresh (2020): Health and Economic Shocks of COVID-19, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 7; Issue 4; pp: 06-12. www.doi.org/10.22271/ijmrd.2020.v7.i4.02
Lal B. Suresh,(2020): World at Work: Indian Women Ragpickers, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, Volume-6, Issue-3, March, pp:255-261.https://www.ijirmf.com/wpcontent/uploads/IJIRMF202003046.pdf Doi:10.2015/IJIRMF.2455.0620/202003046
Lal B. Suresh, Ilaiah Macharla (2019): Agrarian Distress and Farmers’ Suicides in Telangana State: An Empirical Study, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue, December, pp:333-340. ISSN:0019-4662 www.indianeconomicassociation.com
Lal B. Suresh, (2019): Child Labour in India: An Investigation in Socio-Economic and Health Conditions of Tribes, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR), Vol.10, Issue-7, July. pp.33798-33802. http://www.recentscientific.com
Lal B. Suresh, (2019): Water for Life: Issues and Challenges, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol.8, Issue-6, June, pp.1949-1957. www.ijsr.net
Lal B. Suresh, (2019): Child Labour in India: Causes and Consequences, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol.8, Issue-5, May, pp.2199-2206. www.ijsr.net
Lal B. Suresh (2019): Child Labour in India: An Investigation in Socio-economic and Health Conditions of Tribes, Proceedings of The IRES International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 24th-25th March, ISBN:978-93-87405-18-9 www.iraj.in
Lal B. Suresh & A. Venkata Ramana, (2019): A Study on Education and Dropouts among Tribal Students in Telangana, (ed al), B.Suresh Lal, “Economics of Education Issues and Challenges”, Akhand Publishing House, New Delhi. www.akhandbooks.com
Lal B. Suresh, (2018): Political Economy of Demonetization In India: Issues and Impact, The Indian Economic Journal: Special Issue, December, ISSN: 0019-4662. www.indianeconomicassociation.com
Lal B. Suresh & M. Ilaiah, (2018): Impact of Climate Change on Farmer Suicides in Telangana- A Study, International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD, Volume-3, Issue-10/1, February. ISSN: 2321-8622, pp.10-17
Lal B. Suresh & M. Ilaiah, (2018): Impact of Climate Change on Farmer Suicides in Telangana- A Study, International Journal of Management, Marketing and HRD, Volume-3, Issue-10/1, February. ISSN: 2321-8622, pp.10-17
Lal B. Suresh & A. Saradha, (2018): Access to Education and Development of Marginalized Students: A Bottom Line Approach, 15th International Oxford Education Research Symposium held from 21-23 March 2018 at Merton College, Oxford University, England, United Kingdom
Lal B. Suresh & S. Devanna, (2017): Health Conditions of Primitive Tribes: A Study in Adilabad District, International Journal of Research in Management Studies, Volume-3, Issue-12, December. ISSN: 2321-4864, pp.21-26
Lal B. Suresh & A. Saradha, (2017): Body Mass Index and Socio-Economic Status of School Going Children: A Study in Warangal of Telangana State, International Journal of Research in Management Studies, Volume-3, Issue-12, December. ISSN: 2321-4864, pp.21- 26
Lal B. Suresh, (2017): Assessment of Secondary School Student’s Awareness of Climate Change: An Empirical Study in Warangal of Telangana State-India, The Indian Economic Journal: Special Issue, December, ISSN: 0019-4662, pp.202- 212. www.indianeconomicassociation.com
Lal B, Suresh Lal & Saradha, A, (2017): Socio-Economic Scenario of Agricultural Labourers: An Empirical Study of Tribal Labourers in Warangal District, Edt by B. Suresh Lal Transformation of Agrarian Economy, Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.ISBN:978-81-8435-566
Lal B. Suresh, (2017): DR BR Ambedkar’s Contribution to Economic Development and Present Day Scenario, The Indian Economic Journal: Centenary Year Special Issue Volume-I, April, ISSN:0019-4662, pp.187-192. www.indianeconomicassociation.com
Lal B. Suresh & G. Kavitha, (2017): Awareness on HIV/AIDS Among College Students: An Empirical Study in Karimnagar District, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume-4, Issue 2(1) February, ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 4.535 www.ijar.org.in
Lal B. Suresh, Praveen Kumar R,(2017): Economic Analysis of the Rajivaarogyasri (Health Care) Scheme: An Empirical Study in Warangal, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume-4, Issue 1(10) January, ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 4.535 www.ijar.org.in
Lal B Suresh & A. Sharada, (2017): Demography, Socio-Economic and Health Conditions of the Tribes in Warangal District of Telangana State, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume-4, Issue 1(10) January, ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 4.535 www.ijar.org.in
Lal B Suresh & M. Ilaiah, (2017): Issues and Problems of Small and Marginal Farmer: A Study in Karimnagar District, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume-4, Issue 1(2) January, ISSN: 2348-7666, Impact Factor: 4.535 www.ijar.org.in
Lal B. Suresh (2020): Economic and Health Damages from Inadequate Sanitation: Experience from Rural Villages, International Journal of Management(IJM), ISSN:0976-6510
Lal B. Suresh (2020): Freedom from Open Defecation: An Empirical Study from Two Adivasi Villages of Rural Areas, International Journal of Management(IJM), Vol-11, Issue-09, September. ISSN:0976-6510
Lal B. Suresh (2021): Impact of Globalization on Socioeconomic and Health Conditions a Quantitative Study of Adivasis, European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 1, No. 2, March. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejsocial.2021.1.2.28
Lal B. Suresh, Phalguni Sachdeva, Simran & Tanu Mittal (2020): Impact of Covid-19 on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): An Overview, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume-7; Issue-12, December, pp:05-12. www.doi.org/10.22271/ijmrd.2020.v7.i12.02
Lal B. Suresh & Tran Thi Ngoc (2020): Lessons Drawn from Vietnam’s Success in COVID-19 Fight South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume2, Issue-4, July-Aug. DOI: 10.36346/sarjhss.2020.v02i04.016