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  1. A.Aruna, M.Abhinesh, J.Ramesh and V.Krishna Reddy(2017). Distribution and Diversity of Fungal Endophytes from Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. BR. From Telangana, India. IJPBS 7(4):46-55


  1. Aruna, A., Abhinash M., Parvathi, D. and Krishna Reddy, V (2018). Ecological and  Seasonal Variation in the Occurrence of Endophytic Fungi Associated with Calotropis gigantea . International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences ; 07 (02):1152-1157


  1. M.Abhinesh, A.Aruna, J.Ramesh, V.Krishna Reddy. Diversity and Distribution of Endophytic Fungi Associated with Litsea Glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob, an Ethno Medicinal Plant. J Pharm Chem Biol Sci 2018; 6(1):52-61


  1. A.Aruna, M.Abhinesh, V.Bhavani and V. Krishna Reddy. Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Endophytes Isolated from Wattakaka volubilis (Linn.f.), A medicinal plant from Telangana, India. International Journal of Scientific Research in  Biological Sciences 2019; 6(1): 75-83    


  1. Parvathi D and V. Krishna Reddy. Studies on post – harvest diseases of vegetables and fruits of three markets in Warangal town, Telangana State, India. J. Indian. Bot. Soc. Vol. 99 (1&2) 2020: 36-45. DOI: 10.5958/2455 – 7218.2020.00008.X


  1. Vemireddy B, Madasi A, Ajmeera A, Vanteru KR. Distribution and diversity of endophytic fungi associated with three medicinal tree species from Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary, TS, India. J App Biol Biotech. 2020; 8(6): 7-12. DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2020.80602


  1. Madasi A, Ajmeera A, Renuka G, Vemireddy B, Vanteru KR. Production of Extracellular Enzymes, Antimicrobial and other Agriculturally Important Metabolites by Fungal Endophytes of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. a Medicinal Plant. J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2021;15(4):2317-2328. doi: 10.22207/JPAM.15.4.56


  1. Rajender. G, D. Bheemanna, P. Sreenu, B. Prasad, K. Rajender and T. Christopher Invitro Clonal Propagation of Vulenerable Ethnomedicinal Cucurbit. Red ball Snake Gourd. (Trichosanthes tricuspidata) International Journal of Pharma Bio-Science, April, 2017: 205-206


  1. Rajender. G. Thirupathi. P, Deepikaraj. K, Christopher. T, DNA Profiling of Biotypes of Tnchosanthes Tricuspidata; An import and Ethnomedicinal Cucurbit using RAPD, ISSR and Scot Molecular Markers, International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (2021) PPL 106-112.


  1. G. Rohela, Prasad. B, Sreen. P, Rajender. K, Rajender and Christopher. T, High Pertomance Liquid Chromatography based Quantification of Reserpine in Rauwofia Tetraphy and enhanced production through Precursor feeding, Actochronatographic February, 2021 P-1-10 Pages.



  1. Kiran. S., M. Surekha, S.M. Reddy and G. Benarjee, 2022.  Mycotoxigenicity of territrem B: Histopathological investigations of chick ingesting Aspergillus terreus infested feed. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 16: 10-15. DOI: 10.3923/ajas. 2022.10.15




  1. Md Ghani, K. Thirupathi, P. Karunakar and Md. Mustafa (2017) "Biodiversity of Ethnomiedicinal Plants used by the Tribal community in Bhadrachalm Agency area, Khammam District, Telangana State" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6 (6); 2560-2567.


  1. Suresh V, Swamy TN, Md. Ghani, Thirupathi K and Md. Mustafa (2017) "Promotion of seed germination in Corallocarpus epigaeus (Rottler)" Hook. f. -A critically endangered   medicinal plant, and relevence to conservcation, International Journal of Life Science, 5 (4); 687-691.


  1. Thirupathi Koppula, Md. Mustafa and Vatsavaya s. Raju (2018) "Occurrence of  Solena Umbellata (Cucurbitaceae)" in Telangana State, India, Journal of Economic and    Taxonomic Botany, 41 (1-2); 74-77.


  1. K Thirupath, Md. Ghani, V. Suresh, T.N. Swamy, G. Rajender and Md. Mustafa (2019) "In Vitro Conservation of Medicinally Important Climbing Shrub Maerua Arenaria      Hook. F. and Thomson" International Journal of Scinectific Reserarch in Biological Sciences, 6 (1); 208-212.


  1. T.N. Swamy, V. Suresh, K. Thirupathi and Md. Mustafa (2019) "Direct nad indicrect Somatic Embryogenesis Leaf and Leaf Derived callus Momordica Dioica Roxb." Global Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 8 (2); 181-186.
  2. Y. Sravanthi and Md. Mustafa (2020) "Promotion of in Vitro Seed Germination of Semecarpus anacardium L. an Inportant Medicinal Plant" International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science-IJPBS, 10 (3); 331-336.




  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2021). Concentration of cytokinin shoot induction from stem node explants of Luffa acutangula (L) Vol.13, Iss. 01 Doi.org.10.24941 IJER. 40655.01.2021 Imp  Factor.7.766 PP:154352-15437.


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2021). Biotechnological Application invitro production from axillary bud explants of Luffa acutangula (L) A vegetable crop plant (IJAEM) ) Imp  Factor.6.04 PP: 1-4


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2021).Invitro  Techigues high frequency plant Regeneration from stem node explants of Benincasa hispda. (JICR) ISO: 7021 :2008.UGC – CARE Approved  group II journal Vol.xiii Issue.iv April 2021. Impact factor 6.2 PP:497-500(UGC.Approved).


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2021). Influence regeneration frequency. Shoot tip explants of  Zymenima sylvestree (IJREAM ) Vol. 07. Issue 01, April 2021.Impact Factor 6.466 PP, 1-4 (UGC.Approved).


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Potential and limitations of nodal explants Invitro production of Solanum melongena Vol. 15, Issue.05(IOSR) Journals International Organization of Scientific ResearchAustralia, Qatar,India, NewYork and Malasia (Sep –Oct 2020)Impact factor 7.42. PP.36-38


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Hormonal differentiation and plantlet regeneration from stem node explants of Cucurbita maxima(L) – A Vegetable crop plant. International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology (IJISET).Vol.7, Issue.08,Aug 2020 ISBN. Online 2348-7668. Impact factor (2020) 6.72, PP: 187-190. (AN ISO 9001:2015).


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Multiple Shoot induction from cotyledonary explants of Luffa acutangula  (L) (IRJMETS) International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Vol.02, Issue :09 (oct-2020) Impact factor .5. 354.PP 1-4.


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Multiple Shoot induction from stem node explants of Cucurbita maxima L. A Medicinal plant. (IJAEM) Vol .2, Issue.10 Impact factor . 7.429 PP. 321- 324.


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Invitro Multiplication from stem node explants of Trichosactnes anguina (L) Amedicinal important plant (IJEAM ) Imp  Factor.7.49 Vol. 6. ISS -10  PP: 1-4


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Garmma Irradiation in Stem node explant of Cucurbita maxima. (IJAM). vol. 02, Issue 07 Impactfactor.7.429. ISO9001:2008, DOI 10.356291.PP.173.176


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Invitro production and Biossynthesis of Secondary Metabolites from cultivated medicinal plant (IRJMES) .vol 02 Issue 12, Dec-2020 Impact factor 5.34 PP 510-513


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Multiple shoot induction from Cotydonary explants of Luffa acutangula (L) . (IRJMES) Vol: 02, Issue. 10, Impact factor : 5.354.PP.1-4


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Multiple shoot   induction from Leaf explants of Trichosanthes anguina L. (IJRASET) TSSN 234.9653.IC Vol :4598,Vol 8 Issue IX Spt 2020  Impact factor : 7.429.PP 578-579. (UGC Approved).


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2020). Multiple shoot induction from shoot tip explants of Zizyphus Martiana L.(IJAR) DOI : 10.2174, Int J.Adv Res 8. (or) Impact Factor : 7.08 PP 642-645 (UGC,Approved).


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu(2019) In Vitro Shoot Induction from leaf explants of Luffa acutangula. L.  A Vegetable Crop Plant. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol: 6, Issue: 11, SJIF Impact factor:6.044.


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2019) Tissue Culture Studies Callus treatment on stem node explants of Citrullas Valgaris. L. Paripex-Indian Journal Research Volume8, Issue12, December-2019ISSB No2280-1991, DOI: 10.36106 Dec-2019, Impact Factor: 6.941 (SJIF.2019)Peer Review International JournalUGC Sr. No. 49333.


  1. Mandaloju Venkateshwarlu (2019 Studies on Micro propagation In Vitro Shoot Induction from stem node explants of Cucumis Sativus L. Indian Journal of Applied Research Vol.9. Issue-II, November-2019, ISSN No: 2249, Impact factor: 6.03, DOI: 10.361/IJAR ICU: 86.18. UGC. Sr.49333.


  1. Venkateshwarlu M, Rajendra Prasad B, Odelu G, Sambaiah D and Ugender T (2019) Direct High Frequency plantlet regeneration from leaf explants of Solanum torvum (swartz). A Medicinally important plant. The Journal of TheIndian Botanical Society Vol.98 (1-4) (2019). GIF: 0.5877, SJIF: 4.868, NAAS 3.51: PP-137-145.


  1. Anitha Devi, Odelu G, Rajendra Prasad B, Venkateshwarlu M and Ugender T. (2019) Enhancement of Secondary Metabolites in Tissue Culture of a Medicinal Plant: Trigonella Foenum Graecum. L The Journal of the Indian Botanical Society. Vol 98(1-4) GIF: 0.877, SJIF 4.868 NAAS: 3.51.PP-71-78.


  1. Rajendra Prasad B, Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G, Anitha Devi and Ugender T (2019). In Vitro propagation of Indian teak (Tectona gradish) from leaf explants. The Journal of The Indian Botanical Society, Vol.98 (1-4) 2019, GIF0877, SJIF: 4.868, NAAS.3.51: PP-146-154.


  1. Ugender T, Venkateshwarlu M, Anitha Devi U, Srilatha T and Prameela K (2019). In Vitro plantlet regeneration from Cotyledonary explants of Solanum torvum (SWARTZ) A Medicinally Important plant. Research Journey: 14 Feb 2019 ISSN-2348-7143. Impact factor -6.261.


  1. Srilatha T, Venkateshwarlu M, Anitha Devi U and Ugender T (2019) Efficient 2,4-D and TDZ assisted somatic embroyogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Indian Soybean (Glycine max L.) from Cotylefonary explants. The Pharma Innovation Vol.8(4) PP:322-326 NAAS Rating Impact factor: 5.03.


  1. Rajendra Prasad .B,  Venkateshwarlu.M  Odelu . B  Madan Mohan. Gand Babu Rao. M (2018). An Efficient IAA and BAP-Assisted  In vitro   Micropropagation througu shoottip culture of Bacopa monnieri (L) WETTST. A Medicinally important plant  Int.J.pharma.Bio.sci-oct:9(4): (B) 30-37. DOI : 10.22376. C.C.V. Factor: 4.0


  1. Rajendra Prasad .B,  Venkateshwarlu.M  Odelu . B  Madan Mohan. Gand  Babu Rao. M (2018). Studies on Experimental Mutagenesis on Chick Pea (Cicer aritinum L.) induced by  Ultra Violet Rays and Ethyl, Methane, Sulphate. Ejbpsvol.5, Issue 8, 506 – 511, SJIFImpact Factor 4.918.


  1. Venakateshwarlu.M. Odelu.G , Babitha Kumari D, N. Rajunand Yugender T(2018). Studies in the Phytochemical analysis and biological activities of leaves of solayum surattense burm .f. A medicinal important plant Bio Science Discovery, 9 (1) : 114-121. Jan-2018 ISSN: 2229-3469. Impact factor 3.0


  1. Rajendraprasad B, Rajesham P, Venakteshwarlu M and N Raju. (2018) High frequency callus induction form Shoot Base plants of Aloevera (L). burm F An important Medicinal Plant. European journal of Bio medical and Pharma centical sciences. Volum, 5. Issue 1, 368,373. SSIF Impact factor:4.382


  1. Parvathi D, Venkateshwarlu M, Dinesh Khanna N and ugender t. (2018) Protoplast Isolation of soybean Glycine max (L) Merrill from leaf explants. The Pharma Innovation Journal NAAS Rating impact factor-5.03.


  1. T Ugender, M Venkateshwarlu, G Odelu, B Rajendraprasad and Anitha Devi. (2018). In Vitro plant let Regeneration of Tamato (Solanum Lycoperscah Mill. CV. PUSA RUBY) from shoot tip explants using Five Cytokinis. J. Indian Botanical Soc. e.ISSN: 2455-7218, Vol.97(344) PP:138-145


  1. M.Venkateshwarlu, B.Odelu, DU.Anitha Devi (2017). Synthetic Seed Production on from Encapsulated Somatic Embryos of Green gram.(Phaseolus valgarisL.) J.Indian Bio.Sci. Vol.96 (394):278-283 Impact Factor 2.88.


  1. Venkateshwarlu. M (2017). Embryogenic Callus induction and Plantlet Proliferation of Solanum nigrum (L) Through leaf explants ejbps. Vol(4) Issue, 09, 582-588 SJIFIMPACT FACTOR :4.382.


  1. Venkateshwarlu M, N Raju, Odelu G, Srilatha T and Ugender T. (2017) studies on Phytochemical analysis and biological activities in Momordica dioica Roxb. Through Fruit. The Pharma Innovation Journal:6(12):437-440. ISSN (E).2277-7695 NAAS Rating Impact Factor: 2017-5.03.


  1. Ugender T, Odelu G, Parvathi D, Anitha Devi U and Venkateshwarlu M. (2017) Agrobacterium. Mediated Genetic transformation and Regeneration from leaf explants of Solanum Thorvum (SWATZ) Medicinally Important plant. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/4193 Impact factor : 5.03.


  1. Ugender T, Venkateshwarlu M, Odelu G, Srilatha T and Anitha Devi U (2017). In Vitro propagation of Solanum Surattense BURM.F By High Frequency Multiple Shoot Induction from Floral Bud Explants. International Journal of Current Advanced Research: ISSn: 02319-647, Impact factor SJIF:5.995.




  1. Rapid in vitro adventitious rooting and proliferation by leaf and nodal cultures on Moordica cymbalaria Fenzl. C Gopu, CS Chakinam, P Chirumamilla, S Vankudoth, S Taduri Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology  8(2) 1-10 (2020).



Name of the Teacher

Title of the Books /Article

Details of Publication

Prof. .A. Sadanandam

Book chapters=04
Research publications=16


Prof. M.A. Singaracharya

Research publications=18



Prof. N. Ramaswamy




Prof. S. Girisham

Research publications=10



Prof. B. Digamber Rao

06-Books published and 25-communicated.

Phycology Antibacterial activity phytoplankton studies Anti microbial activity

Prof. A. Ragan

Research publications=08

1).The identity and occurrence of Phyllanthus  hookeri and P. nozeranii........... Bangladesh J. Plant Tax.
2). Diversity of NTFP’s and their utilization in ...................................... J. Plant Studies

Prof. A. Seetaram Naik

06 (Research Publications)

1). In- Vitro Micro propagation of Winged Bean.
2). Ethnic people and plants presented at PSTU.
3). DNA Fingerprinting of Terminalia arjuna and its conservation through Tissue Culture.

Dr. V. Krishna Reddy

 03 Books (1 chapter each); 11 (Research Publications)

Microbial quality of raw and pasteurized Milk samples collected from different places of Warangal dist., AP, India.

Dr. M. Surekha

20-publications published

Seasonal variation in mycoflora of unmilled rice in relation to mycotoxins contamination. Pak. J. Phytopathol. 24(2): 90-96.

Dr B. Lalitha Kumari

1 Book (1 Chapter)


Dr. T. Christopher

2 chapters in two books-02 and
01 article
07-publications published

Ovary extract induced normal somatic embryo development in hypocotyls and cotyledon explants of Solanum melongena L. var. pusa. Invitro plant leaf regeneration from leaf 2 stem calluses of Rauvolfia febraphyta and confirmation of plantlets by ISSR-PCR method.

Dr. MD. Mustafa

04-publications published





