Home » Ph.D Awardees
S.No Awardee Name Thesis Topic Supervisor Name Date of Registration Date of Award
1 M.Kasim Tissue culture, phytochemical and DNA barcoding studies in Lippia nodiflora(L) Michx and Lippia javanica Dr.A.V.Rao 01-09-2015 22-12-2021
2 V.Suvarchala Invitro studies and screening of Bioactive molecules from Mutingia calabura (L) Dr.T.Shasthree 21-10-2016 23-10-2021
3 Ch.Pavani Solanum khasianum Clark Biotechnology perspectives Dr.T.Shasthree 12-02-2018 20-10-2021
4 Nagaraju Alpula Cloning,expression and characterization of thermostable alkaline lipase from Lysinibacillus fusiformis ANRPSA9 Dr.P.Srinivas 03-08-2015 22-09-2021
5 Lapaka Suresh Isolation,characterization and molecular identification of protease producing bacteria from industrial effluents Dr.P.Srinivas 27-11-2015 15-09-2021
6 K.Hemalatha Invitro micropropogation, and phytochemical analysis in Annona reticulata L. Dr.A.V.Rao 07-08-2015 02-09-2021
7 S.Abhiteja Phytochemical,tissue culture,and DNA barcoding studies in Flemengia macriphylla(Willd) Merr and Felengia strobilifers(L) W.T.Aitm Dr.A.V.Rao 03-08-2015 17-08-2021
8 Shamanazrin Invitro conservation Screening of Bioactive compounds and assessment of Genetic diversity in Globally Engineered species Adansonia digitata L. Prof.N.Rama Swamy 10-10-2017 06-08-2021
9 Ramya chouhan Studies on Lipase producing Thermophilic microorganisms Dr.P.Srinivas 03-08-2015 15-07-2021
10 Chaitanya Gopu Invitro micropropogation, phytochemical screening and silver nanoparticle production in Memordica cymbaria Fenzl. Dr.T.Shasthree 03-08-2015 08-07-2021
Last Five Years Awardees
11 Jogam Phanikanth Genome editing using CRISPER/CAS technology for engineering TMV resistance in Nicotiana tobacum L. Dr.A.V.Rao 01-08-2015 22-10-2019
12 B.Mahita Developing Disease resistance in redgram Prof.N.RamaSwamy 11-01-2012 15-09-2018
13 D.Ramakrishna Tissue culture studies and stragegies for enhancement of active biomolecules of in Citullus colocynthis (L) Schard Dr.T.Shasthree 01-12-2012 09-08-2018
14 S.Pandarinath Engineering male sterility using CP gene in Solanaceous crops Prof.A.Sadanandam 26-11-2015 06-07-2018
15 Mehdi Kiani Desfardi Micropropogation, screening and enhancement of secondary metabolities in medicinal Melisa officianalis L by Biotechnological approaches Prof.A.Sadanandam 02-07-2014 15-11-2017
16 Sk. Althalf Hussain Mass production, Evaluation and commercialization of Bioinoculants for Agroforestry Nurseries Dr.P.Srinivas 05-07-2014 06-05-2017
17 D.Rathnaprabha Micropropogation, screening and enhancement of secondary metabolities in medicinal Melisa officianalis L by Biotechnological approaches Prof.A.Sadanandam 18-01-2012 26-04-2017
18 M.Rajinikanth Development of transgenic fungal resistance in groundnut Prof.N.RamaSwamy 11-01-2012 09-04-2017
19 Ellendula Raghu Genetic engineering for Anthroncose disease resistance in Chiili pepper using Defensin gene(TVD1) Dr. A. V. Rao 18-01-2012 24-01-2017
Ph.D Awardees