Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2024-2025 by the second week of March 2025
Finance Wing - Claiming of bills pertaining to financial year 2024-2025 by the second week of March 2025
INCOME TAX - Deduction of Tax at source from the salaries during the financial year 2024-2025 (Assessment Year 2025-2026) supply of Income Tax forms with some guidelines
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - General Holidays for the year 2025
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - CONSTITUENT COLLEGES
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - ALL DEPARTMENTS
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - EDUCATION
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - MBA- MCA - LAW
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - PHARMACY - ENGINEERING
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 - Collection of Data - DEANS
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Printing of University Diaries for the year 2025 - Telephone Numbers of Staff
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - State Functions - Celebration of "Veeranari Chaakali Ilamma's" Birth Anniversary (Jayanthi) on 26th September, 2024 (Thursday) as a Government Function
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - State Functions - Celebrations of "Sri Konda Laxman Bapuji" (Freedom Fighter) Birthday (Jayanthi) on 27th September, 2024 (Friday) as a state function
Establishment - University Teachers - Applications(s) for award of next Academic Level / Promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under Career Advancement Scheme - Extension of the last date for submission of application forms.
Kakatiya University - Anti-Ragging Day - Conduct of various competitions on occasion of Anti Ragging Week from 12th to 18th of August 2024
Establishment - University Teachers - Curriculum Vitae of the Eligible Teachers for Nomination to the State Awards for the Year 2024
Establishment - University Teachers - Applications(s) for award of next Academic Level/Promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under Career advancement Scheme - Extension of the last date for submission of application forms
COMMITTEES -Construction of Compound Wall around the Kakatiya University Campus -Entrustment of work to TSEWIDC - Constitution of a Committee for resolving land issues in coordinating the District Revenue officials and KU authorities -Orders -Issued.
NOTIFICATION - Spoken English and Communication Skills (6-week/40 days) classes will be scheduled from 1st August to 23rd September at CELT - Submit applications directly on or before 31st July 2024.
Establishment - Clean & Green Proframme - Cleaning of Rooftops on 1st Saturday of every month to Maintain Clean and Hygienic Environment - Non-Teaching Staff Participation
WORK-LOAD - Details of the teaching work-load of each course / Department for the academic year 2024-2025
Establishment - Instructions to the Students, Scholars, Staff (Teaching & Non-Teaching) and Visitors of Kakatiya University to follow the guidelines
Establishment - Clean & Green Programme as extracurricular activity with the students in the Colleges/Departments, KU for one hour on every Saturday
CAS - 2024
Finance Wing - Closing of Cash Book, Receipts & Charges and Reconciliation statements of financial year 2023-2024 by 15th April 2023
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Ramzan Festival - Permission to all Muslim Employees to leave the Office/College/Department early by one hour before the scheduled closing time on working days during the month of Ramzan
Finanace Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2023-2024 by the second week of March 2024
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2023-2024 by the second week of March 2024
Spoken English and Communication Skills(6-week / 40 days) classes are scheduled from 22nd January 2024 to 1st March 2024at CELT (Centre for English Language Teaching) in the Department of English, Kakatiya University.
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HOLIDAYS - General Holidays for the year 2024
Department of Commerce - Work Shop - Permission to organise One Day work shop on "Research Methodology and Report Writing" for P.G. Teachers at Seminar Hall, University College of Commerce & Business Management, KU - 16th December, 2023
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Public Holiday - General Elections to Telangana State Legislative Assembly on 30-11-2023 (Thursday) - Declaration of holiday
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - DEANS
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - EDUCATION
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - MBA- MCA - LAW
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - PHARMACY - ENGINEERING
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - ALL DEPARTMENTS
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Collection of Data - CONSTITUENT COLLEGES
FEE STRUCTURE - 2023-2024 - Under - Graduate (NP) I Year I-Semesters courses - Payment of fees by the students studying in affiliated colleges to the University
INCOME TAX - Deduction of Tax at source from the salaries during the financial year 2023-2024 (Assessment Year 2024-2025) supply of Income Tax forms with some guidelines
Establishment - Non-Teaching Employees - Instructions not to go on strike/protest/agitation, etc. in view of "Model Code of Conduct" for Elections to the Telangana State Assembly - 2023
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Printing of University Calendars & Diaries for the year 2024 - Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information Called for
Call for Walk-Interview - Full time -Male Medical Officer with a basic qualification of M.B.B.S. is required for the University Health Centre, Kakatiya University - Attend the walk-in-interview on 30/09/2023 (Saturday) at 04.00 pm in the Administrative Building, Kakatiya University, Warangal
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Printing of University Diaries for the year 2024 - Telephone Numbers of Staff
Application for Reimbursement of Tuition Fees to the children - Not exceeding two - of Non-Gazetted Officers & Class-IV
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns - Submission of Books of Accounts of FY 2022-2023 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing and filing of Income Tax Returns
Anti-Raggin-Conduct of various competition on occasion of Anti Ragging Week from 12th to 18th of August 2023
Establishment - University Teachers Bio-data of eligible teachers for nomination to the State Awards for the year 2023
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Extension of the term of appointment of Dr. K.Ailaiah, Associate Professor of Sociology as In-charge, Head, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Kakatiya University
Committees - Instructions to constitute Internal Committee for redressal of sexual harassment complaints in all the colleges under Jurisdiction, Kakatiya University, Warangal
Finance Wing, KU - Furnishing of pending scholarship particulars from the Government to the Accounts Brru1ch1 KU immediately
STATE FUNCTIONS - Celebrations of Telangana State Formation Day on 02/06/2023
NAAC Peer Team Visit Schedule KU
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Declaration of general holidays as working days - In view of NAAC Peer Team visit
Establishment - Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff - NAAC Peer Team visit for three days on May 25 to 27, 2023 - Instructions to the University Teachers (regular / contract / Part-time) that not to go on examination or academic works of any affiliated colleges or other Universities
Establishment - Schedule of NAAC peer Team visit in May, 2023 - Instructions for strict maintenance of attendance with punctuality and execution of NAAC related works diligently
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Ramzan Festival - Permission to all Muslim Employees to leave the Office/College by one hour before the scheduled time during the month of Ramzan
ESTABLISHMENT - Teaching Arrangements - Guidelines issued during 2017-2018 for teaching assignment on hourly payment basis and on honorary basis - Permission for assigning teaching workload @16 periods per week, instead of 15 periods per week, to part-time teachers as maximum number of periods per week subject to availability of workload in the Department/College concerned
DSFC & UPGC, KU - Submission of SFC Budget proposals for the academic year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
Format for SFC Budget Proposal for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Celebration of International Women's Day by Women Development & Child Welfare Department, Telangana State on the K.U. Campus at University Auditorium on 8th March, 2021
Staff ID List- Related to thumb
COMMITTEES - Constitution of an Advisory Committee for the "Centre for Women's Studies & Empowerment", Kakatiya University, Warangal
Finance Wing - Submission of Accounts of 2021-2022 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing and filing of Income Tax Returns - Meeting on 24/02/2023 at 11.00 am without fail
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Establishment - National Education Policy-2020 - Professional Development Programme (PDP) on "Implementation of NEP-2020 for University & College Teachers" through digital mode by IGNOU - Instructions to all the teachers to register and participate in the PDP (digital mode) for achieving the objects of NEP - 2020
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2022-2023 by the second week of March 2023
BUDGET - Annual Accounts of 2021-22, Revised Estimates for the current year 2022-23 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2023-24
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Prof.T.Srinivasa Rao, Senior Professor (SDLCE), Director, Self Finance Courses and S.D.L.C.E., KU - Relieved of duties on 31-01-2023 (A.N.) due to retirement from the service on attaining the age of superannuation (i.e., 60 years) as per rules - Hand over charge of the Director, SFC, and SDLCE
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Appointment of Prof.T.Srinivasa Rao, Senior Professor (Commerce), SDLCE, Kakatiya University, Warangal as Registrar, Kakatiya University, Warangal for one (1) year w.e.f. 01/02/2023
STATE FUNCTIONS - Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Finance Wing - Furnishing of Information regarding fee collected during 20192020; 2020-2021; 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years - Transfer of total fee amount to the Registrar, Fund Account
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2022-2023 by the second week of March 2023
Establishment - RTI & Legal Cell, KU - Awareness Programme on Right to Information Act, 2005 to be held on 09/01/2023 in the Senate Hall, KUC, Warangal
INVITATION - The Vice-Chancellor, Members of the Executive Council, Faculty, Research Scholars, Students, and Staff Members of Kakatiya University cordially invite you to 192nd Jayanthi of Smt. Savitribai Phule on 3rd January 2023 (Tuesday) Garlanding the Statutes at 9.30 am at SDLCE, Kakatiya University
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Extension of the term of appointment of Dr.s.Narasimha Chary as In-charge Director for the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kakatiya University
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Appointment of Dr.T.Srinivasulu, Retired Professor of ECE, KU as Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Kakatiya University
ELECTIONS - KURTA - Permission to conduct Elections to various positions of the KURTA - Nomination of Returning Officer - Cancellation
ANNUAL REPORT - 2021-2022 - Collection Data - University Teaching Departments
ANNUAL REPORT - 2021-2022 - Collection Data - CONSTITUENT COLLEGES
ANNUAL REPORT - 2021-2022 - Collection Data - UG & PG
ANNUAL REPORT - 2021-2022 - Collection Data - MBA & EDUCATION
Publication, Stores & e-Procurement Cell-KU- Printing of University Diaries for the year 2023 - Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information Called for
ELECTORL ROLLS - Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t. 01-01-2023 as the qualifying date - Facilitate the enrollment of prospective voters from the campuses of Educational Institutions - Nomination of Staff and students for enrollment and collection of Form 6
AFFILIATION - Kakatiya University - Payment of Affiliation Fee - Online for the academic year 2022-2023, and dues if any previous years
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Prof. B.Ailaiah, Principal, University Arts & Science College, Subedari, Warangal - Extension of the term of his appointment as Principal until further orders
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Extension of the term of appointment of Dr.G.Sammaiah as Principal, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Head, Department of Pharmacy, Kakatiya University, Warangal
Establishment - University Teachers - Calling application(s) for award of next Academic Level / promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under Career Advancement Scheme as per UGC Regulations, 2018 - Extension of the last date for submission of applications further period up to 03/12/2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HOLIDAYS - General Holidays for the year 2023
Publication, Stores & e-Procurement Cell - KU - Printing of University Diaries for the year 2023 - Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information Called for
COMMITTEES - Constitution of a Complaint Committee with regard to Sexual Harassment of Women at work place
COMMITTEES - Constitution of "KU Hostels Committee" for providing accommodation and monitoring them during the current academic year 2022-2023
Copy of the letter "EIU/IGST SETTLEMENT/01/2019 dated: 26-07-2022 received from Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Commercial Taxes Department, Economic Intelligence Unit, Telangana, Hyderabad, regarding issuing TDS GSTIN (GSTIN with 14th digit as 'D') while procuring any goods or services
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - PENSIONS - Payment of Pay Revision arrears from 01-04-2020 to 31-03-2021 to the persons retired - Payment of Arrears - Adoption of GO cited in the reference 4th cited
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Non-Teaching Employees - Payment of Revised Pay Scales, 2020 arrears for the period from 01-04-2021 to 31-05-2021 - Payment of Arrears - Adoption of GO cited in the reference 4th cited
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Academic Audit - Mandatory implementation of Biometric Attendance in all the Educational Institutions from 01-10-2022
INCOME TAX - Deduction of Tax at source from the salaries during the Financial Year 2022-2023 (Assessment Year 2023-2024) - Supply of Income Tax forms with some guidelines
Establishment - Standing Counsel for KU at High Court, Hyderabad - Appointment of Sri Prayakarao Bhanu Prakash, Advocate, Hyderabad as Standing Counsel for Kakatiya University at the High Court for the State of Telangana, Hyderabad
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Dr. E.Narayana, Incharge Programme Coordinator, N.S.S. Unit, Kakatiya University - Extension of the term of his appointment
COMMITTEES - Reconstitution of the Committee of "Solid Waste Management Committee" for identification & proposing disposal of abandoned/completely damaged vehicles, scarp, junk, waste materials (iron/plastic/computers/printers), etc., of the University
Establishment - Administrative Officers - Appointment of Dr.N.Vasudeva Reddy, Professor of Chemistry (KU) as Director, Research and Development Cell (other than Engineering & Technology Departments), Kakatiya University, Warangal in place of Prof.A.Sadanandam (Retd.)
State Functions - Celebration of "Gandhi Jayanthi" on 02nd October, 2022 as a State Function
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Bathukamma Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Celebration of "Sri Konda Laxman Bapuji"(Freedom Fighter) Birth Anniversary 27th September 2022 as State Function
Celebration of Veeranari Chaakali Ilammas BirthDay Anniversary 26th September 2022 as Government Function
Kakatiya University - State Functions - Celebration of "Telangana Jateeya Samaikyata Vajrotsavalu" during September 16-18, 2022
COMMITTEES - Constitution of a Monitoring Committee to identify all equipments of all the Departments and University Colleges on Kakatiya University Campus and submit proposals for their utilization of the students / scholars
COMMITTEES - Constitution of a Monitoring Committee on the Library Facilities in Central Library and Libraries of Departments / University Colleges on Kakatiya University Campus, Warangal
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Declaration of holiday as working day in view of KU Employees Cooperative Credit Society Limited Elections on 10/09/2022 (Second Saturday)
Kakatiya University, Warangal - State Functions - Celebrations of "Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao's" Birth Anniversary (Jayanthi) on 9th September, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. in the Administrative Building, KU, Warangal
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns - Submission of Accounts of 2021-2022 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing and filing of Income Tax Returns
XXII CONVOCATION - Constitution of various Committees for making necessary arrangements and conducting XXII convocation to be held on 25/08/2022 in Auditorium on KU Campus, Warangal
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Celebration of Kakatiya University 47th Formation Day on 19-08-2022 at 11.30 am in the Senate Hall of Administrative Building, KU, Warangal
Establishment - University Teachers - Applications(s) for award of next Academic Level/promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under Career Advancement Scheme as per UGC Regulations, 2018 - Extension of the last date for submission of application forms
Establishment - Teaching & Non-Teaching Employees - Strict attendance and maintaining punctuality in attending their respective duties and responsibilities in view of XXII Convocation and NAAC Peer Team visit
Establishment - State Awards to University and College Teachers for the year 2022 - Bio-data of the eligible teachers
Finance Wing, Kakatiya University - Submission of attendance particulars of all regular Non-Teaching staff of Offices/Colleges/Departments in the prescribed format
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HARITHA HARAM PROGRAM -2022 - Certain instructions to take up plantation programs in the premises of the colleges and submit report
Establishment - University Teachers - Application(s) for award of next Academic Level/Promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under UGC Regulations, 2018
CAS - Application Form - 2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Proposals called for the award of State Teachers Awards - 2022
TSCHE-HE Dept., - Cyber Security Guidelines for Govt. Employees
Full time Male and Female Medical Officers with a basic qualification of M.B.B.S. are required for the University Health Centre, Kakatiya University, Warangal
Committees - Constitution of a Committee for beautification of the Kakatiya University Campus, Warangal
Finance Wing - Centralization of Accounts & Audit - Meeting on June 29th, 2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - 26th June, 2022 is marked as "International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking or World Drug Day" - Drug free Campaign and e-pledge with a slogan "Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs".
COMMITTEES - Constitution of a Committee for "Reseach Programme and Policy Development" in various Departments of Kakatiya University, Warangal
ALMANAC -Post Graduate (Non-Professional) Courses - Revision of Commencement of classes for II and IV semesters
Establishment - Temporary Teaching Arrangements - Assignment of teaching work in various Departments at the University Colleges on contractual basis for 2020-2021 (residuary period) and 2021-2022 with payment of remuneration from the earmarked provisions of the financial year 2021-2022 - Permission to claim their remuneration for the period from 01/04/2022 onwards from the respective budget provisions of 2022-2023
Padma Awards - Recommendations of the State Government for Padma Awards to be announced on the occasion of Republic Day, 2023
STATE FUNCTIONS - Unfurl the National Flag on Telangana Formation Day - 2022 on 02-06-2022
Kakatiya University - Academic Audit - Initiation of Biometric Attendance in the Educational Institutions
Establishment - Temporary Teaching Arrangements - Sending proposals for assigning teaching work-load in deviation of guidelines issued, vide K.U.Orders No. 838/A2/KU/2017, dated 21/04/2017 - Instructions to follow the guidelines scrupulously
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Preparation for NAAC visit to University - Certain Instructions to the Service Associations, Students Organizations, Teachers, Employees and Common People
Establishment - Temporary Teaching Arrangements - Revision/Enhancement of remuneration to the Contract / Part-time teachers of Self-finance Courses of University Colleges from the academic year 2021-2022 i.e. w.e.f. 01/09/2021 onwards in terms of G.O.Rt.No.141, H.E. (UE) Dept., dated 01/09/2021 as per the provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 11, dated 18/04/2018 - Permission for payment of the enhanced remuneration to the contract / part-time teachers for the work-done period beyond 01/09/2021 for the academic year 2020-2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Approved Budget Estimates for 2022-23 Placing the provisions for utilization of the allocated budget at the disposal of the Drawing Officers - Instructions to follow economy measures scrupulously while incurring expenditure and to maintain D.C.B. on quarterly basis by augmenting the receipts
Establishment - Non-teaching Staff - Permission for surrender of Earned Leave for Encashment to the Gazetted Officers, Non-Gazetted Officers and the Class-IV Employees for the Calender year 2022 in a phased manner
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Accounts & Audit Branches - Approval to utilize the services of Sri P.Satyanarayana, Retired Assistant Registrar, KU for immediate implementation of the mechanism for "Centralization of accounts & Auditing" and to suggest measures to monitor revenue sources and control the expenditure
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Ramzan Festival - Permission to all Muslim Employees to leave the Office/College by one hour before the scheduled time during the month of Ramzan
AKUT ELECTIONS 2022-2024 - List of candidates elected for the posts of Association of Kakatiya University Teachers (AKUT) mentioned against their names in the elections conduct on 15/03/2022 for the period of two (02) year
CIRCULAR - All the Teaching & Non-Teaching staff members and students of Kakatiya University campus are informed to assembly in the foyer of the Administrative Building today i.e., 25-02-2022 at 01.30 p.m. to mourn the sad demise of Sri N.Venkanna, Clerk-Cum-Typist, Examination Branch (KU), who passed away on 23rd February, 2022
UNIVERSITY HOSTELS, KU - Instructions for vacating all the SFC - Students from the KU Hostels by 05/03/2022 to provide hostel accommodation to the students of regular courses as per the norms
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2021-2022 by the second week of March 2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY- Public Holiday - Sri Sammakka Saralamma Jathara 2022 - Declaration of Holiday on 18-02-2022 (Friday)-
CIRCULAR - Trimming the trees in the campus using JCB & Dozer without taking proper care of the OFC LINE
Establishment - Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Enhancement of Dearness Allowance to the University Teaching and Non-teaching employees, including Time-Scale Employees, with effect from 01/07/2021
PENSIONS - Dearness Relief to the KU Pensioners - Enhancement of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners (Teaching & Non-teaching) on par with the Government Pensioners - Adoption of G.O.Ms.No.4, Finance (HRM-V) Department, dated 19/01/2022, in respect of pensioners of RPS-2015, RPS-2020 & Revised UGC Scales of 2006 & 2016 with effect from 01/07/2021
ANNUAL REPORT - 2020-2021 - Collection of Data - UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS
ANNUAL REPORT - 2020-2021 - Collection of Data - DEANS OF FACULTIES
ANNUAL REPORT - 2020-2021 - Collection of Data - EDUCATION COLLEGES
ANNUAL REPORT - 2020-2021 - Collection of Data - MBA / MCA / LAW COLLEGES
Establishment - Instructions to conduct PHYSICAL MODE CLASSES to the students of all the Colleges under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University
Ph. D. PROGRAMS 2021-2022 — Applications calling for recognition of Govt. Degree & PG Colleges and its eligible teachers as Research Centres and Research Supervisors respectively Extension of application date upto 10/02/2022
STATE FUNCTIONS - Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-2021 - Collection of Data
UG & PG COURSES - Re-imbursement of fee paid by the student on cancellation of admission in due date - UGC Guidelines in view of COVID-19 pandemic for scrupulous Implementation for the academic year 2021-2022
Ph.D. Admissions - Vacancy Position for Category II Admission under each faculty sought for
Ph.D. PROGRAMS 2021-2022 - Applications calling for recognition of eligible aspirant teachers Research Supervisors and Govt. Degree & PG Colleges as Research Centres under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University for making admission for 2021-2022
BUDGET - Annual Accounts of 2020-21, Revised Estimates for the current year 2021-22 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2022-23
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HOLIDAYS - Declaration of Holiday on 13-01-2022
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2021-2022 by the second week of March 2022
CIRCULAR - All the Teaching & Non-Teaching staff members and students of Kakatiya University campus are informed to assembly in the foyer of the Administrative Building today i.e., 10-01-2022 at 01.30 p.m. to mourn the sad demise of Sri Y.Kumara Swamy, Senior Assistant, Examination Branch (KU), who passed away on 07th January, 2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - HOLIDAYS - General Holidays for the year 2022
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - PENSIONS - Sanction for Consolidated Pension/ Family Pension to the Penioners retired in the Pre-Revised Scales of Pay, 2020 and implementation of other relevant GOs
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Revised Scales of Pay - 2020 to the Regular Non-Teaching Staff with effect from notionally 01-07-2018, monetary benefit from 01-04-2020, and salary from the month of June, 2021 payable in July, 2021 - Sanction for implementation of - Orders
Departmental Conference of English on 02 December, 2021 at 11.00 a.m.
University Sports Board, K.U. - Physical Directors Meeting - 2021 - Deputation of Physical Directors
RECEIPT House Rent
Form-10I - Medical Treatment
University Sports Board, KU - Send the details of Physical Directors working at your college
Pensioners drawing pension from Accounts Branch, KU are required to submit LIFE CERTIFICATE. The last date for submission is 30-11-2021
Academic - T.E. Telangana State Pollution Control Board - Hon'ble Supreme Court Orders in W.P. (Civil) No.728 of 2015 on bursting of Fire Crackers of initiating necessary actions - Instructions
Sri Komaram Bheem 120th Jayanthi Celebrations
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Declaration of Holiday on 14th October 2021 (Thursday) on account of 'Saddula Bathukamma/Durgashtami'
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns - Submission of Accounts of 2020-2021 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing and filing Income Tax Returns
Higher Education - Appointment of teaching and Non-teaching staff - Certain instructions issued
DSFC & UPGC, KU - Submission of SFC Budget proposals for the academic year 2020-2021 for approval
Establishment - Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees - Commencement of regular classes in physical mode w.e.f. 01/09/2021 - Instructions for strict attendance of all the teaching (regular, contractual, part-time etc.,) and non-teaching (regular, time-scale, daily-wage, lump-sum/casual, etc.) employees as per their respective college/office timings
Kakatiya University, Warangal - State Functions - Celeberation of "Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao's" Birth Anniversay (Jayanthi) on 9th September, 2021 at 11.00 a.m. in the Administrative Building, K.U., Warangal
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Establishment - COVID-19 - Instructions for commencement of regular classes in physical mode with effect from 01/09/2021 duly following COVID norms and protocols
Celebration of 46th K.U. Formation Day on 19/08/2021 at 3.00 p.m. in the Senate Hall, KUC, Warangal
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns - Submission of Accounts of 2020-2021 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing
Establishment - Non-Teaching Staff - Prescription of minimum service of three (3) years in the feeder category/cadre-post for promotion or appointment by transfer to the next higher class, category or grade - Adoption and implementation of G.O.Ms. No. 230, Genl. Admn. (Ser-A) Dept., Dt.31/05/2014 as applicable to all the non-teaching posts of Kakatiya University, Warangal w.e.f. 28/03/2021
Establishment - Non-Teaching Staff - Enhancing the "Age of Superannuation of all the non-teaching employees" from 58/60 years to 61 years as per the provisions of the Public Employment (Regulation of age of superannuation) Act, 1984 - Adoption and implementation of G.O. Ms.No.45, Finance (HRM.III) Department, dated 30/03/2021 - Modified Orders
9th Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Prof.K.Jayashankar “Nationalism & Dynamics of Federal Politics in Contemporary India"
Condolence - Assemble in the foyer of the Administrative Building today i.e. 05-08-2021 at 1.30 pm to mourn the sad demise of Sri D.Babu, Kamati, Deans' Office, Kakatiya University, who passed away on 3rd August, 2021.
Condolence - Assemble in the foyer of the Administrative Building today i.e. 29-07-2021 at 1.30 pm to mourn the sad demise of Sri K.Ashok, Daily Wage (NGO), University College for Women, Subedari, Kakatiya University, who passed away on 27th July, 2021.
Establishment - Closure of second gate of the University for security reasons w.e.f. 05-07-2021
Submission of Thesis and Obtaining Plagiarism Certificate
Condolence of Sri.G.Venkateshwarlu, Store Keeper, Department of Botany, Kakatiya Univeristy who passed away on 30th June, 2021
HARITHA HARAM - Plantation programme from 2nd to 11th July, 2021 in the colleges under Haritha Haram Programme
Covid-19 Extension of lockdown by the State Government from 10th June to 19th June,2021 - Instructions to various Colleges / Offices / Branches / Departments of Kakatiya University
Reopening of colleges after summer vacation from 01.06.2021 - instructions issued
COVID-19 Extension of lockdown by the State Government from 31st May to 9th June , 2021 Instructions to various Offices / Branches / Departments of Kakatiya University - Orders
KU - TSEC - Elections - Ordinary/Casual Elections to Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation - Declaration of Local Holiday in the areas notified for election and other related issues
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Ramzan Festival - Permission to all Muslim Employees to leave the Office/College by one hour before the scheduled time during the month of Ramzan
Kakatiya University - Operating one common account for the transactions of Non-University Fund and Scholarship
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Celebrations of 195th Jayanthi of Sri Mahatma Jyothiba Phule, as State Function on 11-04-2021
Establishment - Conducting of rapid antigen (Swab) tests for Covid-19 at University Health Centre from 23-03-2021 to 25-03-2021
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Locking of Main entry doors of the Departments - Instructions
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Auditing all bills at Pre-Audit Branch of KU only - closure of Accounts and trasferring the outstanding balance, whatsoever, along with the FDRs to the Registrar, Consolidated Account
Establishment - Publication Cell & Stores - Change of nomenclature as "Publication, Stores and e-procurement Cell"
Adoption and Implementation of GO Ms. No19, dated 25/07/2020 regarding payment of arrears to the Teaching Staff of the University.
Nomination for Young Scientist Awards - 2020
Election of Fellows of TAS for the year - 2020
Nomination Form Admission of Associate Fellows and Companion Members - 2020
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Observance of silence on 30th January, 2021 (Martyrs' Day) at 11.00 a.m. in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during struggle for India's freedom
STATE FUNCTIONS - Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Establishment - Non-teaching Staff - Permission for surrender of Earned Leave for Encashment to the Gazetted Officers, Non-Gazetted Officers and the Class-IV Employees for the Calendar Year 2021
Finance Wing - Claiming of the bills pertaining to financial year 2020-2021 by the second week of March 2021.
BUDGET - Annual Accounts of 2019-20, Revised Estimates for the current year 2020-201 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2021-2022
Condolence of Mr.D.Prabhakar, Library Assistant - I, University Library, Kakatiya University, who passed away on 21st December, 2020
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Producing of University Calendars & Diaries in Digital Form for the year 2021- Telephone Number of Staff
Establishment - Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Enhancement of Dearness Allowance to the University Teaching and Non-teaching employees, including Time-Scale Employees, with effect from 01/07/2019.
Establishment - X Pay Revision Commission - 2015 - Adoption and implementation of G.O.Ms.No.27, School Education (GENL) Department, Dated:24/09/2016 - Enhancement of reimbursement of tuition fees from Rs.1,000/- to Rs.2,500/- per annuam per pup0il, to the children, not exceeding two, of NGOs & Class-IV employees of Kakatiya University, Warangal, studying in all the classes from LKG, and upto Intermediate/12th Class with effect from the academic year 2015-2016.
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Producing of University Calendars & Diaries in Digital Form for the year 2021- Telephone Number of Staff
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Holidays - General Holidays for the year 2021
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns - Submission of Accounts of 2019-2020 to the Chartered Accountant for Auditing
INCOME TAX - Deduction of Tax at source from the salaries during the Financial Year 2020-2021 (Assessment Year 2021-2022) - Supply of Income Tax forms with some guidelines
LOANS & ADVANCES - Sanction of Special Festival Advance/Loan to the Daily-Wage Employees (Non-Muslims) for the ensuring "Durgashtami & Vijaya Dashami festivals 2020
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Public Holiday - Declaration of Holidays on 14th & 15th October 2020 due to incessant rain in Telangana State
CAS Notification -University Teachers – Career Advancement Scheme – Applications for award of next Academic Level/Promotion to the post of Associate Professor/Professor/Senior Professor under UGC Regulations -2006 or UGC Regulations -2016
Application Form _CAS
Establishment - Conducting of rapid antigen (Swab) tests for Covid-19 at University Health Centre on 12-10-2020 at 11.00 a.m.
Establishment - University Teachers - Career Advancement Scheme - Applications for award of next Academic Level/Promotion to the post of Associate Professor / Professor / Senior Professor under UGC Regulations - 2020 and 2018 - Extension of last date
Kakatiya University - Adoption of GO Ms. No. 61 Finance (TFR) Department dated 30/09/2020
Academic Cell -Education Dept. - Issue Notifications and Advertisements and other items publishing through the Commissioner of I&PR
Apprenticeship Embedded degree programmes - Non Engineering - Request for proposal.
service rules for non teaching employees
committee_ Non teaching rules_modification_last_date_
Finance Wing, Kakatiya University, Warangal - Adoption and Implementation of SBI CMP (Cash Management Product) for making all payments through Digital mode and to collect all types of fee from the students, colleges and other parties/firms through SBI Epay (through the University Payment Portal) /NEFT / RTGS / Google Pay only from 1st August 2020 onwards mandatory
Application Form _CAS_2016
DSFC & UPGC, KU - Submission of SFC Budget proposals for the academic year 2019-2020 for approval
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Establishment - Regular Teaching & Non-Teaching Employees - Enhancement of reimbursement of subsidy amount from Rs.7500/- per annum to Rs.15000/- per annum (actual premium amount paid by the employee per annum subject to a maximum of Rs. 15000/- to each of the regular Teaching and Non-Teaching employees who subscribe to Medical, Health Insurance Scheme with effect from 1/4/2020
Condolence of Mr.Ch.Chandraiah, Cook, University Hostels, Kakatiya Univeristy who passed away on 06th August, 2020
Online payments - Activation of SBI CMP
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY, WARANGAL - Online Payments and Receipts - SBI CMP and e-pay - Not to honor cheques and not to issue challan payments and Demand drafts from August 10, 2020 onwards
Establishment - Non-Grazetted - Exemption of Disable Government Employees from attending the duties in the Office and to do work from Home upto July 31, 2020
Higher Education - Best Teachers Awards for the University and College Teachers in the State on the Teachers' Day on 5th September every year - Guidelines
Establishment - State Awards to University and College Teachers for the year 2020 - Bio-data of the eligible teachers
Establishment - Covid - 19 Economy measures
Audit - Audit on the accounts of Kakatiya University, Warangal for the year 2019-20 - Commencement of Audit - Intimation Letter sent duly requesting to issue suitable instructions to the concerned Principals/Dean/Head of Departments for arrange to produce all the relevant records for conduct of audit
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - COVID - 19 - Closure of Colleges, Hostels & Messes including Libraries till 31st July, 2020
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Payment of Remuneration, Secretarial Assistance, etc. to the employees of the University - Ceasing with immediate effect
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Restoration of normal payment of Salaries, Pension, Wages, Remuneration from the month of June, 2020 payable on 1st July, 2020
Finance Wing, Kakatiya University, Warangal - Adoption and Implementation of SBI CMP (Cash Management Product) for making all payments through Digital mode and to collect all types of fee from the students, colleges and other parties/firms through SBI Epay (through the University Payment Portal) / NEFT / RTGS / Google Pay only from 1st August 2020 onwards mandatory
Organizing of International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June, 2020
Establishment - Proposals for ISO-9001:2015 Certification to Kakatiya University - Auditing on 24.06.2020 by ISO personnel Information sent.
NCCT - Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Director, VAMNICOM, Pune in the pay scale of Level 14 of Pay Matrix of Rs. 144200-218200 (Pre-revised PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 + G.P. of Rs. 10,000/-)
Condolence of Mr.Ch.Kumara Swamy, Senior Assistant, KU College of Engineering & Technology, Kakatiya Univeristy who passed away on 26th May, 2020
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Establishment - Functioning of all the Offices/Branches/Departments with regular attendance
Connect to Chancellor Program
Establishment - COVID -19 - Certain instructions for the prevention issued by the State Government of Telangana
Establishment - Measures for the prevention of spreading of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) - Declaration of Holidays to the Colleges and Avoidance of large gatherings
Awareness Prgramme on "Women Safety Wing" on 11-03-2020 at 10.30 a.m.
Condolence of Mr.V.Kiran Kumar, Daily-Wager (Class-IV)
Election Programme - Holding of Election to the Non-Gazetted Employees Association, Kakatiya University - 2020-2022-Notification
EPF Scheme - UAN-KYC Seeding
AKUT ELECTIONS 2020 - 2022 - Election Programme - Notification
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Public Holiday - Sri Sammakka Saralamma Jathara 2020 - Declaration of Holiday on 07-02-2020 (Friday)
Accounts Branch - Submission of Income Tax Forms to the Accounts Branch
Finance Wing - Effecting TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) on all payments as per Income Tax rules and crediting to the Income Tax Department with intimation to the Finance wing
Establishment - Visit of Telangana State Commission for SC's & ST's Kakatiya University on 29-01-2020 at 3.00 P.M. in Senate Hall - Information to all the be present in the meeting
STATE FUNCTIONS - Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Establishment - Non-teaching Staff - Permission for surrender of Earned Leave for Encashment to the Gazetted Officers, Non-Gazetted Officers and the Class-IV Employees for the Calendar Year 2020
Submission of Staff Data to TSTS for Bio-Metric Attendance System before 6th January, 2020
Filling up six (06) posts of System Analyst (General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix (Rs.56100-177500) on Deputation (including short-term contract) basis in the office of UPSC
Establishment - Non-Gazetted - Conducting of Interviews to the internal regular eligible employees for the post of Laboratory Attendant
Establishment - Non-Gazetted - Appointment of Laboratory Assistant from among the internal candidates - Addendum to the Notification
BUDGET-Annual Accounts of 2018-2019, Revised Estimates for the current year 2019-2020 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2020-2021
KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - Holidays - General Holidays for the year 2020
Pensions - Dearness Relief to the KU Pensioners - Enhancement of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners (Teaching & Non-teaching) on par with the Government Pensioners - Adoption of G.O.Ms.No.90, Finance (HRM-V) Department, dated 08/11/2019, in respect of pensioners of RPS-2010, RPS-2015 & Revised UGC Scales of 2006 & 2016 with effect from 01/01/2019 - Orders - Issued
Establishment - Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Enhancement of Dearness Allowance to the University Teaching and Non-teaching employees, including Time-Scale Employees, with effect from 01/01/2019 - Sanction Orders - Issued
Finance Wing - Appointment of Auditor for filing Exemption, auditing the accounts of the entire University from 2013-2014 onwards and filing of Income Tax Returns
All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are hereby informed to forward the November month claim bills of the Daily Wagers,etc.
University Women Employees - Permission to avail five (5) days of extra Casual Leaves in addition to the Casual Leaves to all the Women Employees working in Kakatiya University
Publications Cell & Stores - KU - Printing of University Diaries for the year 2020 - Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information Called for
Non-Submission of data pertaining to Non-Teaching Staff
Recruitment to 04 posts of Senior Adviser / Adviser in Level - 15 in the Pay Matrix (Rs.1,82,200/- - Rs.2,24,100) or Level - 14 in Pay Matrix (Rs.1,44,200/- - Rs.2,18,200) in NITI Aayog on Deputation (including short-term contract)/ Promotion basis.
Recruitment to 16 posts of Sr.Specialist ( Joint Adviser)/Specialist (Deputy Adviser) of the flexi pool of NITI Aayog by Deputation (including short-term contract)/Contract basis
Tenth (10th) Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Dr.K.Balagopal, former lecturer of KU and Human Rights Crusader on 15th October, 2019
Finance (PF) Department - DBT - Use of Aadhar in DBT schemes - Judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court
Declaration of Holiday on 07/10/2019 (Monday) in lieu of compensatory working day on 09/11/2019 (Second Saturday)
Ban on using of DJ and loud music (Dolby Systems) sound systems on the University Campus
Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Sanction of Dearness Allowance to the teaching and other staff of the University who are drawing UGC Pay Scales 2016
RAGGING - Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging - Further instructions -
Sixth Endowment Lecture in memory of Padmavibhushan Late Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao on 27th September 2019
State Functions - Declaration of "Sri Konda Laxman Bapuji" Jayanthi on 27th September as a State Function
KU - Constitution of internal committee for Disablity abled persons in all the Colleges
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 09-09-2019 at 1.30 p.m
Implementation of Aadhaar Based Biometric Attendance System
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 29-08-2019 at 1.30 p.m
Registrar's Office - Photocopying (Xerox) of Official Documents / papers at Registarar's Office
Finance Wing - Disbursement of Salaries, Pensions and Vendor payments directly into the individual bank accounts through online - Submissionof format -
STATE FUNCTIONS - Independence Day Celebrations - 2019 at KU
Seventh Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Dr.K.Jayashankar on 6th August, 2019
Appointment to the post of Member (Economic and Commercial) in the Certral Electricity Authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis - inviting applications for - reagarding
State Awards to University and College Teachers for the Year 2019 - Bio- data of the eligible teachers - Called for
KU - Transfer of Total Fee collected from the Students for the academic year 2018-19 towards making payment to the Contractual/Part-Time Teachers of the University
Inter Collegiate Tournaments of KU - 2019-20
University Teachers - Pay Scales - Implementation of Telangana State Revised UGC Scales of Pay - 2016 - Option Form and Fixation Statements
Quality Mandate - National Assessment and Accredition Council(NAAC) Conduct of Awareness Program/Workshop on 19th July, 2019 - Participation of -Reg.
KU -Transfer of Total Fee collected from the Students for the academic year 2018-19 towards making payment to the Contractual/Part-Time Teachers of the University
Contributory Pension Scheme
University Teachers - Revision of Pay Scales
Attendance - Installatioin of biometric attendance devices in the colleges by M/s. TSTS, Hyderabad.
UGC - Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India's Developing Economy (STRIDE)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Enhancement of Dearness Allowance to the University Teaching and Non-teaching employees, including Time-Scale Employees, with effect from 01-07-2018 - Sanction - Orders
Notice inviting Proposals for Commissioning a Study on 'Quality of Ph.D. Theses in Indian Universitys'
Nominations for the Presidential Award of Certificate of Honour to Scholars.
Inviting Research Proposal
Telangana Formations Day Celebrations at KU for the year 2019
Japanese Government [MEXT] Scholarship Programme 2020
University Grants Commission
Kakatiya University, Warangal - Approved Budget Estimates for 2019 - 2020
Accounts and Audit - Submission of Last Pay Certificates and Services Registers of Regular Non-Teaching Staff
Formal Invitation for International ADR Conference
Call for Nominations for the UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Wonen's education.
Commonwealth Medical Fellowships - 2019 in UK.
Muslim Employees - Permission to all the Muslim Employees to leave the Office by 4.00 p.m. during the Ramzan Month
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 06-05-2019 at 1.30 p.m
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 25-04-2019 at 1.30 p.m
World Congress on BIOTECHNOLOGY Healthcare Summit - 2019
Updation of KYC details online of the Daily wage Employees
KU - Declaration of Holiday on 11-04-2019 in connection with the General Elections of Lok Sabha - 2019
National Workshop on Molecular Docking Studies in Drug Discovery on 29th -31st May, 2019
Date Extended Call for papers - National Workshop on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s Philosophy and Movement on 05th -14th April, 2019
KLEIOTECH'19 - College of Engineering & Technology KU
Teaching & Non-Teaching Employees-Enhancement of reimbursement of subsidy amount
Call For applications - (ASEM-DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels 2019)
Nomination of candidates in Physics and Biology
Office of the Finance Officer - Circular
Declaration of Special Casual Leave to the University Teachers on 22.03.2019 in view of elections to the ensuing Tealangana Lefgislative Council from the Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency
"Antarik Sarkar Memorial National Moot Court Competition - 2019" on 6th-7th April, 2019
Two Day National Workshop on Physics of Materials and Molecules
Short term Indian faculty secondment to Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok by the Government of India for a period upto 16 weeks - Invitation of nominations for semester commencing August, 2019 & January, 2020
DSFC & UPGC, KU - Submission of SFC Budget proposals for the academic year 2018-2019 for Approval - Reg
Two - Day National Seminar on CLIMATE CHANGE & ITS IMPACT ON ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY on 28th & 29th March, 2019
6th One week National Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis, on 25th - 31st March,2019
Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Indian Higher Education: Current Status and Leadership Challenges on 11-13 June, 2019 - Registration Form
Two-Day National Conference on Climate Change - Issues, Challenges & Strategies for Conservation of Medicinal Plants on 6th - 7th March, 2019
International Conference on Engineering and Advancement in Technology 2019 will be held in Hyderabad, India on 05th & 06th April, 2019
University Teachers - UGC -RSP - 2006 - Carrer Advancement Scheme
XVII Annual Prof Biyyala Janardhan Rao Memorial Lecture on 27th February, 2019
Two - National Seminar on Prison Writing in India Supppressing Dissent and Generating Consent on 27th - 28th March, 2019
Extension of Last date for Submission of Abstracts - 08th March, 2019 -Two-Day National Seminar On CURRENT ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN CHEMICAL RESEARCH (CICCR-2019) on 18th & 19th March, 2019
DSFC & UPGC, KU - Submission of SFC Budget proposals for the academic year 2018-2019 for Approval - Reg
Two - Day National Seminar on Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development on 22nd & 23rd February, 2019
Two - Day National Seminar on "RURAL WOMEN & DEVELOPMENT SOME ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES" on 16th & 17th March, 2019
MEGA JOB MELA on 23rd February, 2019
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS — "Two Day National Workshop on Physics of Materials and Molecules" on 15th and 16th March, 2019
Date Extended Call for papers - Two Day National Conference on Emeriging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks on 18th - 19th March, 2019
280th Birthday Celebrations of SANTH SRI SRI SRI SEVALAL MAHARAJ "Maha Bhogh Bhandaro" Programme on 15th February, 2019
Three Day Workshop on Real-Time Experiments in Biology for High School Teachers on 14th -16th, February 2019
South India Level Research Scholars Conference on 16th & 17th February, 2019
Invitation for Project Expo & Powerpoint Presentation on 11th March, 2019
With kind regards
Prof. Adarsh Pal Vig,
Director, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar " target="_blank"> an online Refresher Course under ARPIT Scheme
2020-2021 Fulbright - Nehru and other Fulbright Fellowships for Indian Citizens
UGC - Inviting Online Applications From Eligible Colleges for Autonomous Status
National Conference on Disaster Management with Special Focus on Drought Monitoring and Mitigation on March 08-09, 2019
Telangana History Congress IV Annual Session on 27th & 28th January, 2019
Two-Day National Seminar on EMERGING ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT- Sponsored by: TSCHE - HYDERABAD on 22nd & 23nd March, 2019
"Pariksha pe Charcha 2.0" contest on 29th January 2019 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi
Conference on "Distaster Management with Social Focus on Drought Monitoring and Mitigation"
Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University
Indian Council of Social Science Research
First International Conference on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Renewable Energy Sector on March 15-16, 2019
Postponement of Telangana State Coommission for Backward Classes, Hyderabad to Kakatiya University scheduled on 19/01/2019
Departmental Conference of Economics on 30th January, 2019 at 10.30 a.m.
Visit of the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes, Hyderabad to KU on 19/01/2019 - Meeting with the Heads of the Departments, the Chairpersons of Board of Studies and with Teaching and Non-teaching B.C. employees on 19-01-2019.
BUDGET - Preparation of Annual Financial Estimates of the University for the Year -2018-19, Annual Accounts for 2017-18, Revised Budget Estimates for 2019-20 - SCHEDULES
‘On the Spot Essay Writing Competition - 2019 ’ for Post - Graduate Students of Statistics
National Workshop on Management of University Administration-A Training for University Administrators in collaboration with Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam during February 06-08, 2019
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 Contest on 29th January, 2019
Refresher Course on " Virtualisation and Could Computing" on 21-01-2019 to 11-02-2019
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 11-01-2019 at 1.30 p.m
Two - Day National Seminar on Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development on 22nd & 23rd February, 2019
One Week - Orientation Programme for Ph.D scholars on 18th-24th January, 2019
TSCHE - UMS - Celebrations on account of 9th National Voter's Day on 25th January 2019 - Activities to be taken on the National Vaoters Day in Educaitonal institutions - Detailed instructions issued - Sending - reg -
University Grants Commission
Two - Day National Seminar on Changing Trends of Family System in India : Major Issues and Challenges on 22nd & 23rd February, 2019
Invitation for Inaugural and Valedictory Function on 28 December, 2018
KU - HOLIDAYS - General Holidays for the year - 2019
Accounts Branch, Kakatiya University, Warangal- Furnishing of Regular Employees Data in prescribed format
BUDGET - Annual Accounts of 2017-18, Revised Estimates for the current year 2018-19 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2019-2020 - Request to attend a meeting on 18/12/2018 at 2.30 p.m.
UGC - "Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students" for the year 2018-19.
Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI) will be held during 11-13 January, 2018
Commonwealth Scholarship in the United Kingdom': disseminating of information
MOOCs platform SWAYAM - Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) was launched by MHRD on 13th November, 2018
Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme Last date for submission of online application to Tempus Public Foundation, Hungary is 15 th January, 2019.
Elections - General Elections to Telangana State Legislative Assembly - 2018 Polling on 7th December, 2018 - Declaration of Holiday
ANNUAL REPORT - 2017-2018 - Collection of Data - The Principals of University Constituent Colleges and affiliated Colleges
Non - Teaching - Collection of data pertaining to Non-Teaching Staff
Call for papers submission on "International Conference on STEM" being organised during Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2019.
ANNUAL REPORT - 2017-2018 - Collectionof Data - The Principals of University Constituent and Affiliated Colleges offering MBA/MCA/ LAW
ANNUAL REPORT - 2017-2018 - Collectionof Data - The Principals of University Affiliated Colleges
ANNUAL REPORT - 2017 -2018 - Collection of Data - The Heads of Departments
Annual Report Format for Officers General 2017-18
Proforma - UG & PG Colleges for Constiutent Colleges- 2017-18
Proforma – C for Office of the Deans of faculties - 2017-18
Proforma – C for Univ, Teaching Departments - 2017-18
Proforma – Education Colleges - 2017-18
Proforma - UG & PG Colleges for Affiliated Colleges- 2017-18
Proforma – Pharm/Engg. Colleges for Affiliated Colleges - 2017-18
Silver Jubilee Celebrations - 2018 - National Seminar on Recent trends in Plant Disease Diagnosis and Control with reference to Central India on 1st & 2nd December, 2018
Income Tax Returns Form - 2018 -19
BUDGET - Annual Accounts of 2017-18, Revised Estimates for the current year 2018-19 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2019-2020 - Called for - Reg -
Science Academies Summer Research Fellowship Programme - 2019
Fifth Endowment Lecture in memory of Padmavibhushan Late Sri Kaloji Narayan Rao 14th November, 2018
Audit - Audit on the accounts of the Registrar, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telengana State by the audit team of A.G. GSS - 06 from 05.11.2018 to 14.12.2018.
Accounts and Audit - Submission of Pay Bills by 25th of every month without fail - Non-compliance of instructions
Reg: Conducting of Meetings in Campus , Press meets in Campus and its Constituent Colleges
Maintenance of KU Auditorium and Senate Hall - Fixing of Revised Rental Charges for allotting the KU Auditorium and Senete Hall
Publication Cell & Stores - KU - Printing of University Diaries for the year 2019 - Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information called for - Regarding
6th Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Sri Dr.K.Jayashankar, on 26th October, 2018
University Grants Commission
LOANS & ADVANCES - Sanction of Special Festival Advance/Loan to the Non-Teaching Employees
National Seminar on "Rejuvenation of Undergraduate Education in India" (RUEI-2018), August 10-11, 2018
Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Sri. M.S.Achrya Renowned Journalist and Freedom Fighter of this region on 6th October, 2018
Ninth (9th) Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Dr.K.Balagopal, Human Rights Crusader for Just Society on 08th October, 2018
Attendance - regularity and Punctuality in attending Office - Certain instructions Issued.
State Audit Department - Visit of Local Authorities for inspection of Accounts of Kakatiya University
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 28-09-2018
Alumni Meet 2018 - Saturday 29th September 2018 at 10:00 A.M.
Review of Audit observations/objections contained in the Annual Audit Reports and their settlement - Pending and settlement - Processing and settlement of Audit objections
TAS - Nomination forms Election of Fellows, Admission of Associate Fellows and Young Scientist Awards - 2018
Vacancy Circular - Post of Assistant Director in the National Commission for Scheduled Casts by deputation(including short-term contract)
Information of Professor and Senior Reader with minimum 10 years of post-graduate teaching experience, as per UGC guidelines
Vacancy Circular - Post of Director in the National Commission for Scheduled Casts by deputation(including short-term contract)
Vacancy Circular - Post of Deputy Director (Joint Cadre) in the National COmmission for Scheduled Casts by deputation(including short-term contract)
Filliing up the post of Deputy Director(Administration and Finance), National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi under Ministry of Culture by Compoiste Method
Appointment to the posts of Member (Grid Operation & Distribution), Member(Hydro) and Member (Planning) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis-inviting applications for -regarding
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 12-09-2018 at 4.30 P.M.
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 10-09-2018 at 1.30 P.M.
Sri Aurobindo Degree - 601 Submission of College Registration for Scholarships (Fresh & Renewals) with all necessary documents, students who are studying in Courses in this college during the academic year 2018-19
Governement of India - Department of Science and Technology
Cheif Ministers Relifed Fund - Permission for deduction of one day basic Pay from the salary bills (August 2018) for donating to flood victims of kerala State
State Awards to University and College Teachers for the year 2018 - Bio-data of the eligible teachers - Called for - Regarding
State Awards to University and College Teachers for the year 2018 - Bio-data of th eligible teachers - Called for - Regarding
UNIVERSITIES - Encashment of Surrender Leave - Issue of clarification
State Functions - Independence Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University on 15/08/2018
The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Inaguration - Academic Block for University College of Engineering & Technology for Women on 13th August 2018
Indian Councial of Science Research
Circular Copy - Non-Gazetted Offilcers & Class -IV - Directed to submit detailed information
Non-Gazetted Offilcers & Class -IV - Directed to submit detailed information as per the proforma through proper channel
Twenty First Convocation of Kakatiya University will be held on 11th July, 2018
The Indian Science Congress Association
Issuing of Vehicle Pass for every employee with Barcode system
Dr.D.C. Pravate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge, 2019 University of Karnatak University, Dharwad
Continuing Medical Education Programme - 2018-19
Twenty First Convocation of Kakatiya University will be held on 11th July, 2018
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 11-06-2018 at 1.30 P.M.
LOANS & ADVANCES - Sanction of Festival Loan to the Muslim Minority Non-teaching Employees for the ensuing festival of 'Ramzan' for the year 2018
State Functions - Telangana Formation Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University for the year - 2018-19
Finance Wing - Completion of financial year on 31/3/2018 - Closing of Cash books and sending the balances details, etc.
Dearness Allowance with effect from 01.07.2017
PENSIONS - Dearness Relief to the KU Pensioners - With effect from 01/07/2017
Presidential Awards for scholars in various languages for the year - 2018
Observation of Anti-Terrorism Day on 21-05-2018 - Instructions for Pledge
Ramzan Festival - Permission to all the Muslim Employees to leave the Office/College by 4.00 p.m. during the month of Ramzan
RUSA Component Research Innovation and Quality Improvement
USIEF announcement for 2019-2020 Fulbright-Nehru, Fulbright-Kalam and other Fulbright fellowships for Indian Citizens-regarding
Finance Wing, Kakatiya University - Submission of Pay bill by 25th of Every month without fail
Second Faculty Induction Program (FIP-02) of MHRD, Govt. of India.
TSPCB - EC - Nomination of Experts for SEIAA & SEAC for Telangana State
University Teachers - Sanction of Child Care Leave to the Women Teachers of Kakatiya University
Finance Wing - Completion of financial year on 31/3/2018 - Closing of Cash books and sending the balances details, etc.
Training Programmes to Non-Teaching Staff - Instruction to the following employees to attend the classes
SWATCH KAKATIYA - Clean and green programme on 29th March, 2018
Applications are invited for filling up of the post of Associate Professor in the Dr. Arnbedker International Centre, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi,
REVISED NOTIFICATION - Establishment - Non - Gazetted - Appointment (on Promotion) to the post of Technician -II from among the internal eligible regular employees
University Teachers - UGC -RSP - 2006 - Carrer Advancement Scheme
CAS Application form
Declaration of Special Casual Leave on 8th March, 2018 being celebrated as "International Women's Day'' to all the Women's Employees of the University
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 05-02-2018 at 1.30 P.M.
Administrative Staff College of India, we will be conducting a 5-day Intensive training cum workshop on Managing Technology Value Chains for Directors & Divisional Heads of Science and Technology organizations from February 12 to 16, 2018
Sri Sammakka Saralamma Jathara 2018 - Declaration of Holiday on 02.02.2018
Revised Notification - Non - Gazetted - Appointment (on Promotion) to the post of Electrician from among the internal eligible regular employees
Suggestion on issues related to the ToRs of the Fifteenth Finance Commission
Republic Day Celebrations at Kakatiya University on Friday 26th January, 2018
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 17-01-2018 at 1.30 P.M.
Non-teaching Staff - Permission for surrender of Earned Leave for Encashment to the Gazetted Officers, Non-Gazetted Officers and the Class-IV Employees for the Calendar year 2018
BUDGET-Annual Accounts of 2016-17, Revised Estimates for the current year 2017-18 and Budget Estimates for the ensuing financial year 2018-2019 - Called for
KU - General Holidays for the year - 2018
MOST/URGENT/REMINDER - Annual Report - 2016-2017 -Collection Data
KU - Teaching and Non - Teaching Employees
Filling up the post of Assistant Editor (Reserved for ST Category)
Filling up the post of Programme Officer (Reserved for OBC Category)
ANUSMARAN'2K17 on 16th December, 2017
Higher Education Department - Aadhar Linked Geotagged Time Stamped Biometric Attendance Management
World Pease Festival Society (International) Warangal - Shanthi Dootha Awards to the Best Students of KU
Filling up the post of Assistant Editor(Reserved for ST category)
D.R.Ambedkar 62nd death anniversary on 6th December, 2017
All the Principal's of Pharmacy & Engineering Colleges meeting on 01-12-2017 at 03.00 p.m.
Declaration of Public Holiday on 02.12.2017 (Sat) on account of "EID MILAD-UN-NABI" instead of 01.12.2017 (Fri)
Principal's meeting on 13-11-2017
All the Members are requested to assesmble in the foyer of Administrative Building today i.e. on 13-11-2017 at 1.30 P.M.
Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad Birth Anniversary on 11th November, 2017
Accounts Branch KU - Furnishing of Regular Employees Data in Prescribed format
DA orders for university regular teaching and nonteaching employees & DR orders for teaching and non-teaching pensioners of the university
Fourth Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Sri. M.S.Acharya, on 10th November, 2017
Examination Branch - SDLCE, UG & PG Annual Examiantions - 2017 Chief Superintendents' meeting on 06-11-2017
Examination Branch - Principal's meeting on 06-10-2017
Publication Cell & Stores - KU -Printing of University Diaries for the year 2018 Telephone Numbers of Staff - Information called for
ESTABLISHMENT - Meeting with the Principals of the Colleges and Heads of the Departments of the University on 12/10/2017
Orientation Programme on "Anti-Ragging" on 10-10-2017 in the Auditorium, KU
UGC- Seminars/Symposia, Proposals invited
Anti - Ragging - Launching of a National University Film Making Competition to spread awareness on ragging amongst students
Ninth Endowment Lecture in memory of Late Dr.K.Balagopal on 9th October, 2017
Procurement and installation of Aadhaar enbled Biometric machines to capture daily attendance of students and faculty
Circular to all the principals/Heads of the departments
Saadhikara Bathukamma Festival - Permission to all the Women Employees to Leave the Office/College at 3.30 p.m on all working days between 21-09-2017 to 27-09-2017
Public Holiday - Declaration of holiday on 29-09-2017 (Friday) in lieu compensatory working day 20-08-2017(Sunday)
Buildings Division
Non-Gazetted - Appointment of Senior Assistant under 50% Written Test Quota from among the internal Regular Employees Conducting of Written Test
Fourth Endowment Lecture in memory of Padmavibhushan Late Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao on 18th September, 2017
STATE FUNCTION - Declaration of "Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao" Poet, Jayanthi on 9th September, 2017
KU - Office timings during NAAC visit.
University Formation Day on 19.08.2017 and NAAC visit for reaccreditaion during 28-30th August, 2017 - Declaration of 20th and 27th August, 2017 (Sundays) as working days
Independence Day Celebrations at KU